desperate for your advise


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hello everyone,

i got a huge problem. I am out of US now and i do have my RTD which expires in mid December. I have a confirmed airticket before that but i got in an accident and went thru a complicated surgery. Doctors say i can not travel within next 2-3 months. I AM SHOCKED by this news!!

Do you think i can reapply for new RTD from right here from hospital outside of the US??!!
What are my chances to get a new one and not to have problems reentering US??!!

I am desperate!! I dont know what to do!!

i know it`s all my fault , i shouldn`t have traveled on RTD with only 3 months validity...
My advise to all DO NOT travel if your RTD less than 6 months valid.. You never know what you will encounter overseas..

any advise to me?!! anybody had experienced anything like my situation?!!

thanks in advance for any comments..
Double_V said:
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I think you should contact U.S. Consolate there!
wish you luck!

and then your congressman if the consulate will give you hard time. Congressman offices are usually some what of relactant to help asylees, but I'm sure they might feel for you. From what i know, congressman intervention works like a magic steek if you need to get something from a US consulate overseas.

US consulates have the ability to issue RTD's. If you would be able to document prove your circumstances and with a right push you should be ok.

Hope you are not in the country of persecution though... Then you are really in trouble :eek:

Good Luck, and get well soon.
asylee25 said:
hello everyone,

i got a huge problem. I am out of US now and i do have my RTD which expires in mid December. I have a confirmed airticket before that but i got in an accident and went thru a complicated surgery. Doctors say i can not travel within next 2-3 months. I AM SHOCKED by this news!!

Do you think i can reapply for new RTD from right here from hospital outside of the US??!!
What are my chances to get a new one and not to have problems reentering US??!!

I am desperate!! I dont know what to do!!

i know it`s all my fault , i shouldn`t have traveled on RTD with only 3 months validity...
My advise to all DO NOT travel if your RTD less than 6 months valid.. You never know what you will encounter overseas..

any advise to me?!! anybody had experienced anything like my situation?!!

thanks in advance for any comments..

You can reaply for a new RTD from where you are. Include a letter and any doctors' diagnosis to get it expedited. You can have it sent to the US consulate in the country in which you are now.

Good luck, and fast recovery...
dear asylee25

dont get panic,

all you need is to go to the counselate there , they will take care of you,

they may give you permission to come back to us with expired RTD,

i know a friend of mine who lost his green card on his vacation in france,

he went to the us embassy there, they gave him some paper permission

that allowed him to come back to us,

dont get frantic, you will be fine