Dependent GC affected by retrogression


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Hi All,

I went to Cp interview with my wife on 22nd Sept and I got the interview done sucessfully. For my they did some extra finger printing and told us it take 4 weeks to get the results.

On 19th Oct we recd letter from US consulate in Mumbai that finger print results are recd and she can come for CP interview. When she went, she was told that the PD (my pd is AUG 2001 EB2) is not current and she will have to wait till the PD is current.

We are stuck now. I am here in USA and she can not come here till the PD is current.

-- has the PD moved at all in last 2 months. She was told that for EB2 the cut off PD is Nov 1999 and when we checked on website the cut off PD for Dec 2005 is 1-Jul-2000.

When do they update the PD for the Month. is it on 1st of month or 15 of month for next month.

do you know if PD cut off moved after 1st Oct for EB2?

Or do you know what was the Cut off when the retrogression started for EB2?
Check the url below every month on 15th for the upcoming month's PD. -> current bulletin.

I expect some quick movements for EB2 India atleast.

Btwn, why did they take your wife's Finger prints and take 1 month to process it.
*Was your wife always with you in US with you or was she in India.
*Has your wife lived in a different country that they needed to perform any name checks.

Just curious to see why they had to do that for your wife alone and not for you. It seems to be a atypical procedure which i haven't heard so far. Good luck, some law changes and quick movements are expected.

It seems like a random selection for finger printing.

She was with me in USA before the interview and she has just lived in USA (after marrige) and in India and no other country.

Also does anyone know what was the Cut off when the retrogression started for EB2?
If you look at the archived bulletins you will get the bigger picture. But EB2 India retrogressed in Oct 2005 bulletin to Nov 1,1999 and has made some decent strides so far.

Just also curious
*Was your wife born/raised for a while in anyother country apart from India/USA?
Thanks Alot

My wife was in India before marrige and she came to USA after our marrige.

Other than that she has not lived in any other country
Thanks rrajendr.

One more qs.

To keep my GC valid and I have make a visit to USA every six months in case I decide to move back to India till the PD is current for us?

sorry, i am not aware of it.But I believe something along those lines is correct. i don't think you have to worry on those lines. my guess is towards the fag end of this year EB2(from July 06) for India will definetely meet your PD. This is just a temporary glitch for you guys. good luck.
gca2405 said:
Thanks rrajendr.

One more qs.

To keep my GC valid and I have make a visit to USA every six months in case I decide to move back to India till the PD is current for us?


The " old golden" days are over for keeping GC alive by visiting US for some time every year. You cannot do that anymore.

You will have to stay in the US for substantial period of the year. At the POE, the immigration might start questioning you as to why you need to have a GC and might deny entry even if you have GC if they feel that you are not spending too much time in the US.

Incase you wish to stay out of the US for a longer period, you would need permission from the USCIS.
Thanks rrajendr... I am keeping all the options open for me ... I wish I don't don't have to move back just after I got my GC

GCChaahiye, How are you doing?
Do you know how to take that permission from USCIS. Do they have any email address for that?

I am fine thanks.

Right now I dont know any details of such, but I recall having come across this matter somewhere.

I will post incase I happen to see it.