Denver Labor processing time for GC


Registered Users (C)
My Labor was filed as RIR in Dec. 2001. I have not heard anything since then. Lawyer says Denver has not started processing the application yet. I wanted to know if this would be true statement?

Any Guru out there, please help. Should I have expected something on my Labor yet?

I am new to this forum and in the same boat (RIR).

Have you heard any update about the processing of Dec 2001 at the labor state department so far? But I still haven't. :(

However, according to the Sept 2002 update, the CO state labor only process until Nov 2001. Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

If possible, hope that folks in the same boat can keep update to each other via this thread. Thank you! :cool:
Denver Labor Processing (State / Federal)

Yes. One of my friend's application, which was filed in Dec. 2001, has just been processed. So I waiting for mine. DId you get yours?

I also heard that, they send applications to Dallas Regional instead of Denver Regional office. Is that ture? Anybody?
Still waiting...

Glad to hear someone's RIR in Dec 2001 has been processed. However, I am still waiting at this moment.

Let's cross our fingers for it to move faster. Please post again if you know that your case has been processed.

To what I understand so far, the limited review and RIR cases of CO may move to Denver Regional DOL. If the Denver DOL find any doubt in approving that particular LC, then only that particular LC application probably will be referred to Dallas DOL. If my idea is wrong, please correct me. Thank you.

That's correct. According to 3 lawyers (including mine). I was also told that if an application moves to Dallas DOL, it' is most likely to be rejected (NOF-ed) and in this case (my) laywer normally suggests to withdraw it and try again in 6 month.

For regular cases, whether they get LPR-ed or not, depends on number and character of replies to Ad. The best scenario is - no replies. Good - laywer being able to clearly demonstrate why each reply does not qualify. Bad - reply(s) that clearly indicate that there's a good match for the position.

Normaly the strategy is to indicate "rear" technologies used at your work. This simple reduces chances of high number of matching replies. Don't go overboard though. Don't make it too specific (things like: "6 feet tall", "must know southern dialect of Zimbabwe", etc), or SESA will send it back on the bases that application is "tailor"-ed for the specific applicant.

Good lawyer normally knows what to write for a specific state, given the legal knowledge and past experience.

For RIR, the same is true. Though it looks like RIR cases are reviewed with greater scrutiny now (it's not extremally bad, but RIR rejection cases have definately increased, especialy in IT related field). If there's enough time, Regular is probably safer than RIR now. Especially in CO SESA, where there's probably only 4 month of real difference (given that time is needed to run 6 month Ad campaign).

Though, due to April01 backlogs, some ppl have been waiting for several month now for April01 to clear. Some (including myself) are considering converting to RIR (this will at least help to bypass April backlogs). i think, realistically, we (CO SESA applicants) should wait till end of the year and see what comes out of the Sep-Oct workshop that CO SESA has initiated.

These are my current observations. Guru's, if any of these are wrongful, please, do not hesitate to respond.
Denver Labor Processing (State / Federal)

I was told that, once the Labor moves to Regional from State level, we can track it using the phone nos. If I listen to that phone recording about my case, how do I know, when they finished and cleared my Labor. i.e. What would the update should say? i.e. Will it say the labor is approved? In such words?

Knows anyboody? Please help.
According to other people's LC approved experience in my company, the tone talker info is similar to below:

If your case has been received:
"Case No. XXXXXXXX with the DOT code of XXX-XXX-XXX has been received. This status was posted on XX/XX/XXXX (date)..."

If your case has been certified:
"Case No. XXXXXXXX with the DOT code of XXX-XXX-XXX has been certified. This status was posted on XX/XX/XXXX (date)..."

My case has been received by Denver Regional DOL recently, and I am crossing my fingers for the further status. How about yours, GKVBC?

Please post here again if your case has further status like certified.

Thank you and Happy Holidays! ;)
Hi Buddies,

Good to get communication with your guys here. If you have any update on your case to Denver Regional DOL, like certified, please post here to share with us.

Thank you in advance. :)

Reply to Hexamon,

I remember that the PD was 12/26/01, and the case was forwarded to Denver Regional DOL on 11/27/02 (as stated in the letter from SESA to my employer recently). How about yours?

Reply to rvalla,

In my knowledge, the case number should be assigned by Regional DOL. However, if your employer is informed by SESA that your case has been transferred to Regional DOL, and if you don't have your case number yet, you can always track your case via the tone talker by using your employer phone number. Is your case as of DEC 2001 (RIR category) too?

Any Gurus, please correct me if my idea is wrong.
Tone talker dont find my case

My case has been transfered to DOL denver in October 2nd week. I tried to check my case with employer phone number but always the answer is " That phone number can not be found "
But it tells that they are still processing October.
EB2, RIR case
Hi rvalla,

Just to share info with you that I heard from the tone talker this afternoon and they are processing the cases as of November 2002 now, Can you post your further case status here to share with us?

I am sorry to say that (hope you don't mind), but if you still haven't found your case in the tone talker or hear anything from Denver Regional DOL till today, I guess you have better to request your employer contact to the SESA or DOL (either Denver or Dallas) for your case status on your behalf.
Originally posted by giraffe
Hi rvalla,

Just to share info with you that I heard from the tone talker this afternoon and they are processing the cases as of November 2002 now, Can you post your further case status here to share with us?

I am sorry to say that (hope you don't mind), but if you still haven't found your case in the tone talker or hear anything from Denver Regional DOL till today, I guess you have better to request your employer contact to the SESA or DOL (either Denver or Dallas) for your case status on your behalf.

Sorry for the late notification. My Labor certification is approved.
These are the details:
DOL Received on: 10/08/02
Approved ON: 12/09/02

All the best to everybody.
Forget TOne Talker

Originally posted by rvalla
Sorry for the late notification. My Labor certification is approved.
These are the details:
DOL Received on: 10/08/02
Approved ON: 12/09/02

All the best to everybody.

On more thing, my case never showed up on tone talker. I guess DOL is not updating it because the processing times are short.
Hi rvalla,

Glad to hear fast reply from you about your latest case status. Congrats on your LC approval! :)
My LC is approved.....

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late news update.

But my LC has been approved by Denver DOL.....!!!!!

It was received by the regional office on 10/11/2002. (I had filed it on 12/07/2001).

It was certified on 11/22/2002. My lawyer received the notice from them on 12/02/2002....!!!!!

Thanks to all for sending timely replies to my last query about How do I find that my case was Certified?

Best of Luck to you all who are waiting on theirs!

See you in I140 line!
Yes. RIR it was......

Hi Hexamon,


It was an RIR case.
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Congrats to all those whose Labor has been approved.
Does anyone has any idea as when Denver will start processing Regular LC apps which are after April 2001.




Was promised to end with the backlogs some December. If no changes in January, we should probably see if it could be converted to RIR. No change for the last 8 month! This is getting Ridiculous (not that DOL cares :L)