Deferred Inspection At Poe


Registered Users (C)
OK Guys, sorry for the delay,

This is what happened to me at the Charlotte (NC) Airport-POE.

We reached Charlotte at about 6 PM on January 6. There were only 2 lines one for the US-Citizens and the other 'infinite long' line for NON-Citizens. We had started our journey a 3 days back with requested Lay-overs at a couple of places. With 2 children of ages 2 and 5 we were extremely tired. Finally after about 45 minutes of ZIG-ZAGS within the devider( with all our hand-luggages, children, strollers, etc.) it was our turn. Now the air-ports are occupied with the US-VISIT thing(Photographs and finger prints for all NON-Immigrants). The Officer was not sure if ours would fall under the US Visit. A loud question towards one of the officers at another counter IS Immigrant Visa US-VISIT .....?. There comes another , still louder reply 'NON-US-VISIT'. He was satisfied and directed us to go to a separate waiting room. We both were holdind each of the children as they fell asleep. Now inside the waiting room, I was able to see a number of Students waiting for their turns to be called. Some of them after minutes of quesioning inside the closed doors come out crying, packing bags to get ready to depart. We were watching the same students very excited and happy while travelling. It was of a bit of worry for both of us. Finally my wife and I were callled seprately to have our finger-prints taken. We were asked to wait again. The lady officer who took the finger prints handed over the file to another officer and she left for the day.
Now after another 30 minutes, the officer came and told us that there was some problem with our immunization record. I was so frustrated altogether asked him What DO YOU MEAN ?. he said the the doctor in India (THANKS TO DR. SANJAN JOHN) has noted that our immunization record was in-complete and he cannot let us go(You may try to infect people around, once YOU ARE IMMIGRANTS) :eek: . I checked the medical documents, and noticed that he has checked the wrong box. He had noted that all the immunizations were either given or NOT AGE APPROPRIATE , however in the last section of the immunization chart he checked the wrong box meaning VACCINATION INCOMPLETE AND HENCE NO WAIVERS REQUESTED .( By the way he had given us a couple of shots at his clinic and told us everything was excellent). Looking at the sheet, anybody with a little IQ would easily understand that this was a mistake(because the list of all vaccinations and dates were give clearly). But immigration officers are not supposed to act on IQ alone. Another half an hour discussion with acouple of other officers, arguments etc.... Now the Officer called his boss on his cell-phone and explained thesituation in a way that would have frightened the officer who was skiing in the mountains. He came back and told us that he cannot admit us, but have to DEFER OUR INSPECTION ( I had never heard of it before from any of these forums). A Lady officer suggested of contacting the Indian Doctor and clarifying it, but was immediately disdained by the officer.
Who suggested that we come back another day for the Inspection after getting certified by A PANNEL PHYSICIAN within the US that our Vaccination is complete( What would happen in the mean time, if we try to infect some body ?. He did not seem to have thought about it, neither did I brought it to his attention -:). Anyway finally he took pictures of both of us, and asked us to fill in I-94s ( While inside the aircraft I thought I would never had to do it again, but was a bit too optimistic.) for both of us. Then he stamped the I94 card with a 'DEFFERED INSPECTION UNTIL-----" stamp. He took all our passports and, enclosed in a FEDEX box together with whole set of files and Immigrant Visas and asked us that we go to the BCIS offce in Atlanta on 28-Jan-04 for the deffered inspection. In the meantime he admitted us in to the country with NO-STATUS (Neither Immigrant, Nor Non-Immigrant as the consulate had already cancelled all our H- Visa stamps- Those of you familiar with the story of 'Trishanku' would better understand our state at that point). The officer said he was going to send the packet right way to atlanta with a Notice which read as follows:

"Subject Presented himself with an E21 Immigrant Visa for Inspection . Medical records showed that the vaccinations were incomplete and no waiver requested. However All the Vaccines were either given or marked AGE-INAPPROPRIATE. Subject is deferred to have a Public Health Doctor determine if he/she meets vaccination requirements.".

He said that since we were not 'Admitted' to the country, we would be in NO-STATUS and cannot work for my employer.

(To be Continued...)
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See everyday we learn something new....DEFERRED INSPECTION!

Sorry to hear this happened to you especially after a 3+ day strenous journey with a family.

You did cut off your posting at the climax did'nt you!

Now that your H-1B has expired and you not technically admitted, I am assuming that means you do not have a i-551 stamp...can you work?
I had another surprise on my way out. "2 Pieces of Luggage were missing". W had to take another flight to our final destination. Those moments were horrible.
The Notice also stated that, if we did not do what is required, an officer would take us in to custody. What more would you expect after being so excited about getting the Immigrant Visa.
We got back home at about 12 midnight. I could not sleep the rest of the night. I went to work the next morning and told my manager about the whole thing. I should gratefully remember that they have been wholly supportive -emotionally, monetarily and officially- throughout. (This is something that I would suggest you guys keep in mind. Once you are in CP, try not to be in any kind of friction with your employer at-least till you get your Physical GC, in hand. You never know when/where ever you would require them. We had a conference call that morning with our Attorney in his office. The Attorney (A Lady) told me not to worry much about it, as it appears to be straight forward. But there was nothing she could have done about it, as I later understood; Attorneys have Virtually NO-ROLE or Effect on a Deferred Inspection Case. Technically I am still NOT in the US and they cannot represent somebody not in the country. They can courteously accompany me to the inspection facility, that's it.

I contacted several Doctors (Civil Surgeons) but none of them had an appointment open till the end of January. I was scared (Remember the Arrest-thing). Finally I managed to convince a nurse in one of the physician’s office(a bit far away though) and got an appointment the same day afternoon-ONLY FOR VACCINATION CHECK- she insisted). With all that Jet-lag and Sleeplessness, I drove 160 miles to get it done. She administered another set of Vaccines (Tetanus), and told us that in order for them to certify we needed to have them as per US standards. Do you think, that we would say NO.? NO....!. I showed-up both my arms and was willing to take the whole series allover again. I made sure she CHECKED THE CORRECT BOXES this time. I had to pay about US$110 for both of us. She handed over a copy for our reference with the Original in a sealed envelope.

Even though we were supposed to appear for the Inspection on the 26th, I called them the second day. The file was not in yet. The third day, they confirmed that they received the file and approved for an earlier inspection.

(Answer to Kd: I WAS SO EAGER BECAUSE I WAS NOT PERMITTED TO WORK. there was NO I551 Stamp in my passport and we did not even have the Passports, Remember They were withheld at the POE).
On 14 Jan 2004 we drove to Atlanta and stayed there overnight in a Hotel. We showed up for the interview at 7.
To my surprise the Room was empty. I had to go to the Office belonged to Department of Customs and Border Security which is not a part of BCIS. Room-no 114 I believe. The Officer (an immigrant himself from Mumbai- India) appeared as if he had been waiting for us. He was a very nice person, very friendly and curious. (His greetings were just enough to make our day). He did not ask a thing about the case, but opened the medical report and placed the First I-551 stamp in my wife’s passport. (This is when one becomes a LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE, Boy...THAT was a moment).

He said that our official DOE would be that day and POE would be ATLANTA (not Charlotte, NC).

...Now with our plastic cards kept in a Safe-Locker and SSN cards without any restrictions printed on them, I can think about all these lightly. But I could not help not to panic when it all happened. We got our ‘Lost’ luggage on the 5th Day.
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Can't say much except that I am happy to hear that you are truly experiencing the fun of being a GC Holder now that everything else is settled.

It was definitely worth the wait to hear this elaborated incident.

That was some experience and am glad that everything's worked out fine in the end. Sorry for the trouble you had to go through.

This is something new and your update could help someone in future.


imihelp -

Congrats! What an experience!

To all -

Since the medical reports are sealed (from doc. to consulate to poe), is there anyway to ensure that this kind of stuff does not happen.

Other Q., How does Atlanta come into pic. Does this depend on PoE or where you are living?

Once your medicals are complete you can request the doctor to show you the medical results prior to sealing them. But definitely once they are sealed it is advised not to open them and should be turned in sealed to the officer @ POE.
Thanks Raju, Kd, and Alren;

There is no way we can know about the medical result, unless the doctor reveals it. Again the documents are all sealed till the end. If there are mistakes, the Consular Officers ought to catch'em before approving the case(I would say this is GOOD LUCK, as you can alway correct it easily at that point).

The bad luck is what I had to go through-either the Consulate did not notice it or they used their 'IQ' to disregard it. These kind of things are clearly not in our hands and I remember divekar suggesting once about "Not to worry much about a thing on which we have no control". The same rule may also apply here.

Alren: The Officer at the POE checked with us before assigning Atanta as the 'Port of Deferred Inspection'. You will have a choice in this regard if you have a legitimate reason.

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My heartly congrajulations

Oh boy what an experience... Thanks for posting it in detail as it will definately help others in future. Well enjoy the post GC life.
:) :)
Excellent Post!

Though I am sorry about the trouble,it is very enlightening and glad that everything worked out well.

This is just a suggestion, but perhaps we can prepare a list of good hospitals/doctors in India at each of the consulates and we should all go to such doctors only.I do not mean any disrespect to the other doctors(like Dr.Sanjan John),but we cannot pay for THEIR mistakes however minor they might be!WE need to go through all the troubles at the end of the day for (innocent) mistakes of such doctors.

Though it depends on the availability of such "good" doctors to meet the applicants' appointments,nevertheless,it would be helpful to have a list (ofcourse mistakes can happen with anybody,but atleast we could get some sort of assurance).

If this sounds good and feasible, could KD or Raju or some other senior/responsible person do something about this?

Good idea but i would hate to implement since i think this was purely an error and if it continues then may be it would be worth implementing. But again there are only 4-5 listed doctors per city and hence no need to make a list as such.

I think the better option is for each candidate to check the medical report before they are sealed coz errors can happen from good doctors too.
This from a silent reader.

To the "silent reader" : Thanks for the input.

Hello. In response to your query...

I am a silent reader of this forum. I completed my CP during Mar03 and had my medicals at Hinduja (BOM consulate). I was given a copy of form DS-3025 (US DOS Vaccination Documentation Worksheet) along with other reports. This worksheet is marked "Give copy to applicant". So they are obliged to give you a copy. When they gave it to me, they also said it was my immunization record. The Panel Physician checked "Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)" in my case.

So, I think folks can ask the panel physician to give them a copy of DS-3025.

You may post this on if you like.

Its a bummer you had to go through all that crap, imihelp. Congratulations on getting your GC finally.

I thought I would add my two cents on the medical report. I had mine done at Chennai from Dr.Vijaylakshmi. She does not seal the reports. In fact she points it out to the candidates that the report is unsealed and thats the way its supposed to be. I took it out and checked mine just to make sure I had no communicable diseases;)
Originally posted by bangaloreman
Its a bummer you had to go through all that crap, imihelp. Congratulations on getting your GC finally.

I thought I would add my two cents on the medical report. I had mine done at Chennai from Dr.Vijaylakshmi. She does not seal the reports. In fact she points it out to the candidates that the report is unsealed and thats the way its supposed to be. I took it out and checked mine just to make sure I had no communicable diseases;)

OK let me get this straight. Are the MRs supposed to be sealed or not?

Normally medical reports are discussed with the patient (if there is an issue) and then sealed.

Refer 3'rd bullet from bottom on this web site for hinduja hospital in mumbai:

and I got my medicals done at breach candy and i was given sealed medical reports and was explicitly told not to open!
I had my medicals done with Dr. VijayaLakshmi at chennai on feb25th 2004 for March 16th interview. It was not sealed and
I specifically asked her about sealing it but she said its not sealed.

It is good to know that doctors operate differently in different cities as far as sealing the medical results. The fact that the medical reports are sealed/ not appears to be a policy of the doctor/ hospital rather than the consulate! And that consulate accepts open medical results means that sealing them is not a CP interview requirement! Good to know!