Dec 2000 approval


Registered Users (C)
I learnt from an INS representative this morning that an approval letter was sent out for my case today, Dec. 27.
My details are:
EB1, RD: Dec 15, 2000, ND: Dec 28, 2000, FP: Apr 18, 2001
I received Packet III, but adjusted status here.
I am listed as GC1 in immitracker.

Like many others, I have not posted to this site before, but have followed it fairly closely. I have made a couple of calls to INS, mostly to check if my case information is complete.

I have to say that several of my colleagues who applied a month or so after I did, received their approvals a couple of months ago. That said, there are a few who applied before me and are still waiting. We all have similar cases.

Based on my experience, I would say that it is our responsibility to take the initiative, be well-informed to the best possible extent, and ensure that INS is not waiting on any information from us (or the lawyers who represent us), the applicants. Apart from that, there is really nothing much one can do, but let the process take its due course.

Lawyers handle many cases and while some are every good, not everyone is on top of all their cases. It always helps to be informed and keep them on their toes!

Thanks to everyone for maintaining this excellent source of data, suggestions and opinions.

Good Luck to all!