Dec 01 RD - RFE issued


Registered Users (C)
On May 20, 2003, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice. Please contact the service center where you submitted your application during business hours.

I guess that's a good news???

My case is EAC-02-079-XXXX. I changed jobs 6-months after the application and moved to another state.
Good to know that BCIS has touched 02-079 applications. You are probably the first one to see any movement for this group. Everyone who gets a RFE is asked for a standard employment letter. Ask your lawyer if you can get it from your company before you get the RFE notice in mail. That way you can have a have everything ready when you get the actual notice.

RD 12/26
ND 1/7
FP 3/30
eternity ,
I sent the standard address change form to the office in DC back in August 2002. I never followed-up with Vermont whether they have an updated address. Didn't have any trouble getting my EAD and AP renewed this January.

As for the job change, I talked about it to my lawyer about 2-3 weeks ago. She said that there was a new INS regulation and that I am supposed to notify INS about the job change as well. So, my lawyer sent Vermont Center a letter with my new title, company name and company address a few days after our conversation. I don't know whether this letter has been added to my file before the RFE notice. I also don't know whether this letter has triggered the RFE itself.

I am planning on waiting to get the RFE letter first. May be I'll be lucky and I won't need to produce an employment letter :D. At any rate I just want to copy and paste my old job description from the old employer and print it on the new employer's letterhead. May be with a few slight changes. I am under impression that the two job descriptions should be as similar as possible.

My case is EAC-02-079-51XXX