Dead Lock between FBI NAME CHECK and USCIS


Registered Users (C)
Here what learn from IO when called for status?

Q. What is status of my application ?
A. Case is pending.

Q. What about my name check ?
A. Your case is pending due to FBI NAME Check ?

Q. Is there any where you can request result again or submit name check ?
A. No we do not control the FBI or we do not has the right to contact.
You can send the email to fbi. but No reply from fbi.

When called FBI they don't give the information. FBI say Call your agency .

FBI don't give any information about Name Check and USCIS don't do any follow up . = DeadLock .
yeah.. stuck in stupid process me tooo..

my 2 paise.. it should be USCIS responsibility to followup get necessary info as we have applied our applications to USCIS.

It should be USCIS responsibility to request results again and also they should be able to submit name check again.. and get the results... I do see some people stating that some IO's at Infopass they were able to resubmit / 2nd name check..

USCIS should do this to everyone.. but I am not sure if they are doing it.

on phone we cant talk much with IO's It is very pathetic over there.. at USCIS. I am loosing my hopes and getting sick of this.. like..

I know I alone cant change things over there.. at USCIS.