Dead End , company Change name, 140 Redo


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I applied for 140 redo like everyone else and called INS after i got the receipt number and guess what , the nice lady told me they received new instructions not to consider any 140 Amendment any more ...

What exactly they want us to do , Bleed for them or die to close our cases

i cannot believe it any more , it\'s like a bad movie with no end and in the same time you cannot resist seeing it
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Don\'t get discouraged. Some IIOs at INS are just plain bullshit. Call up later talk to another IIO and ask them to link I-485 to the new I-140. Do not talk about name change or amendment at this time. We have a right to substitute I-140 on a pending 485.

By the way when did you call VSC. If it is in the last couple of days I am hoping that they have received INS memo to approve I-485 without I-140 amendement. Please let us know. Thanks
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Are your with IGate ?

Can you please tell us, what the IIO she exactly said. Did she mean that amended I140s are no longer required OR did she mean that even if an amended I140 is filed it will be ignored and the I485 will continue to be on hold ? I am hoping that IIO was talking about the new memo and this gets rid of the necessity of amended I140s.

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vsc9909, I think you are right. They must have received the memo explaining application of AC21 and hence the strange instruction to ignore I-140s. I sure hope this hunch comes out to be true. Our suffering may just be over.

Hope for the best.

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She Exactly Said that we have new instructions to put your case on HOLD even if you filled for 140 amendment
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It is true that VSC is NOT EXPEDITING the amended I-140s. They will go in the regular queue and get processed as a normal I-140. However, after the amended I-140 is approved, we have the right to substitute the amended I-140 for the old one and VSC must lift the hold on our I-485 and approve them. So the only option we have is to file I-140 and pray that INS will get to it soon. I think it is better than waiting for the guidelines to be issued.
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They are processing I-140s,which are applied back in SEP,2000.
If we apply now, it\'s going to take another year to get I-140 approval. Hopefully they send these guidelines soon.
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If what the IIO said is indeed the case,(remember we have to talk to 2/3 different ones to know if it is the case) the only way is to force employers to force INS to lift the hold. This hold is the creation of employers working with INS to delay I-485. Their incentive to delay will be lost if enough people quit using the 180 day provision. That only will scare them and lobby INS to lift the hold.
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I don\'t have any hope that INS will isuue guidelines soon. In case of health care workers the regulations were not issued for more than two years and AILA sued INS to get the regulations out. I suspect that something similar is going to happen with these guidelines as well i.e. someone will sue INS.

The memo the INS is likely to issue in early June doesn\'t address the company name change issues. Looks like it only addresses H1B extensions beyond six years.

One good news is that INS started approving I-140s filed in Oct 2000. Lets hope that they will process these fast and get to our amended I-140s soon.
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Hi All,
   Is this problem only with VSC? How are other centers handling this type of cases? If they handle it in a different way, we all can force VSC to follow other centers by going to the court.
   I strongly beleive at this point in time, court is one of the best solutions. What do you all think?

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I 100% Agree, it should be court otherwise it\'s going to be a new record of number of years
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I believe only vsc is holding name change cases. I know of a friend from csc whose company changed and later acquired. He got approval no questions asked. Court is the best option. Did anybody try talking to ISN.
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Here are the comments of Senator Brownback ( CHAIR of immigration sub-committee ) about DOLs regulations on H1B portability. After reading this I dont see how INS CAN NOT implement the portability clauses of AC21 as provided by the law.

The full comments are available at
Use of H-1B Portability without a Certified LCA

Section 105 of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act (Pub. L. 106-313), enacted in October 2000, allows "persons previously issued a visa or otherwise provided H-1B status to accept new employment upon the filing of a new petition by a new employer, subject to the final approval of the petition." This section, which has become known as "portability," evinced a clear Congressional mandate that certain foreign nationals may immediately begin work for an H-1B petitioning employer upon the petitioner\'s filing the H-1B, rather than waiting for the agency processing to be completed.

The regulation appears to attempt to defeat the intent of this provision by apparently requiring that the labor condition application, which the Department has been unable to certify in a timely manner, be certified before such "portability" can take place. This is ironic, since the Department of Labor in the past claimed that it opposed H-1B visas because H-1B visa holders could not change jobs as quickly as the Department would like. By now making it more difficult to change jobs colors the Department\'s previous stated opposition to H-1B visas as, at minimum, lacking sincerity.

On January 1, 2001, Senator Abraham, wrote the following to Mary Ann Wyrsch, then the Acting Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service:

On the H-1B portability provision, the Senate Judiciary Committee report for S.2045 states that, "This section allows an H-1B visa holder to change employers at the time a new employer files the initial paperwork, rather than having to wait for the new H-1B application to be approved. This responds to concerns raised about the potential exploitation of H-1B visa holders as a result of a specific employer\'s control over the employee\'s legal would frustrate the purpose of the portability provision for INS to require a labor condition application (LCA) be approved. I am aware that DOL, in its recently published regulations, appears to require approval of an LCA as condition for portability. That is a clearly inappropriate interpretation of the law and, in any event, it is INS, not DOL, which is required to interpret the portability provision. It is common and accepted practice to file H-1B petitions prior to approval of the LCA when DOL is not certifying cases in a timely manner because of a technological failure or other reasons. It is the signature and dispatch of the LCA by the employer to DOL that constitutes the making by the employer of certain attestations or promises concerning wages and working conditions.

To the extent that section 655.705(c)(4) of the regulation, relating to the portability issue, has any legal effect whatsoever, it should be deleted.
