Days or months?


Registered Users (C)
My understanding is that one can apply for NATZ 3 months before 5yr anniversary for an employment based GC.

For this:
Does one have to calculate the # of days resident status completed before applying for the NATZ
months completed (57)?

If its the days, how many days should be complete?

Basically, you take your resident since date, add 5 years to this date, and then minus 90 days from the 5 year date.
Yes, add 5 to the year, and then subtract 90 days from the result. It's best to wait a handful of days past whatever you calculate (in case your calculation is off somewhat (say by a day) from yours -- who knows how they do their math).

For example, GC date = 27-May-2002
Add 5 years = 27-May-2007
Subtract 90 days (using excel) = 26-Feb-2007
(note that because feb has 28 days, you lost a day relative to 3 months)

Then add 5 days (for good luck) and you get 3-Mar-2007
See this Caliculation

May27 2002
May 27 2003 365
May 27 2004 365+1
May 27 2005 365
May 27 2006 365
May 27 2007 365

1825 -90==1735
Each year is 365
Total 5 years = 1825
Minus 90 days= 1735

May 27 2007 to April 28 2007 =30
April 27 2007 to March 28 2007= 31
March 27 2007 to Feb 26 2007= 30
So the filing date for this case will be Feb 26 2007 with extra 2 days added here ,because 2004 is a leap year and Feb has 29 days.
Let me know if this correct.