Custom form mistake affecting entry?


Registered Users (C)
I came back from an overseas business trip in late September. Since I brought some food, I declared them on the custom form, figuring they would exam and forfeit whatever they do not allow. However, I forgot I have two bags of beef jerky in my computer bag which I was supposed to eat on the plane and did not declare the "meat". After the custom lady saw them, she was pretty angry and threatened to fine me $200. She then took my passport and sit down in front of a computer and checked for a while. I did not know what she did and she also did not fine me in end after I explained and apologized. She did not ask for my green card.

Have anybody had similar custom problem before, i.e., not declaring something and was caught? Will this affect my future entry? I am supposed to travel out of the country very soon.


I think the incident revolves around customs and not to do
with immigration or any such things.

Also, she might have double verified your passport to make sure
that you didn't have any issues in the past, in my opinion.

One of my friends had this situation before (of not declaring something
and customs finding out food stuff) and he had his bag removed of all
edible items.

I wouldn't worry too much about this incident.

Good luck

I am not a lawyer and not planning to be one in the future. Hiring a competent attorney will be a good idea.

Did your friend enter using green card? If so, did he make any other entries after that one? If so, did he encounter any problems in either immigration or custom? Now both functions fall under the same department.
