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Curious about DV Lottery...


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone,

Just out of curiosity...I know that a person CANNOT submit more than one application. What if someone wants to sabotage the application? What information does she need to do that?


I know u couldnt possibly want to sabotage your own Dv APPLICATION.
Why would you want to sabotage someones else application?
If you are thinking of anything mischivious pls. desist from it for the love of God.
Even with your Name, DOB and Country, its not enough for someone to create duplicate entry as you can imagine there are hundreds or thousands of entries that will appear duplicate based on the 3 information above, whats critical is someone in possesion of your picture...even a group photo can be edited and submitted (background etc can be anything as long as the face shows).

After the duplicate entries with the above 3 same information are detected, each regions similar entries ar run thru photo recognition technology which will flag out similar looking ones, which someone physically will go thru to confirm photo matches.

However if you have spouse and children and then the probability of spouse info and child being similar to someone else is very low in which case State Dept probably doesnt even bother to run photo technology - reason being they give duplicate entry the benefit of doubt and dont care really because there are millions of entries and next entrant can be selected.

Same goes for similar postal address's which can be enough evidence of duplicate entry in conjunction with Name,DOB,Country although this disqualification probability ranks lower then similar spouse, children details being same

If someone has your photo but no DOB but has name then its chances of disqualification ranks between postal address scenario and spouse/children,
It really comes down to just how much time and length Dept of State goes to weeding out duplicates
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