CSC speed to issue RFEs


Registered Users (C)
It is now understood that CSC brings out results one time
every week, and speed to issue RFEs, see the following
data on 02-033.

on Oct. 9, 10, 11 (1 Wed, 6 Thur, 1 Fri): 8 RFEs

on Oct 15 (Tues) 4 RFEs

on Oct 23/24 (7 Wed, 5 Thur): 12 RFEs

on Oct 28/29 (5 Mon. 4 Tues): 9 RFEs and no App

(But strange thing found when update, two pervious
resumed become processing for card has been completed,
they may be new approvals, or error from 1st scan).

Thanks for the analyzing the recent trend on RFEs. Sorry to hear that about 10% are getting RFEs.

To send/receive Private Message, you may need to enable PM in your 'user cp' (user control panel) tab.

Good Luck on your approval :)