CSC Physical Card tracker


Wife Stamped Passport 06.24.02.

Still no plastic card.
Card receivec for Self and daughter (08.10.02).

passport stamped

17th feb 2003
website still says,
" AOS approved" how long does it take for the AVM , website to update
In my case it changed after a week

Until then it was AOS approved. We went for stamping the next week of getting the letters. And then after a week or so, we saw the "Process Completed ... " message online.
Message Changed -- Important Info


The message for my wife changed to "Card Ordered" on March 13th.
We have been following up since August 2002 for my wife's card, and all IIO's said that everything is OK and card should come.

Then I read somewhere recently, that we should ask if the 1-89 is scanned in the INS (BCIS) system.
So, on March 10th we asked the IIO specifically if my wife's I-89 was scanned in their system. IIO said that it is not, and she will arrange to get the file and do the needful.
And on March 13th, the message changed to "Card Ordered...".
I have heard that card usually comes within 10-15 days after this.
I will keep my fingers crossed.

So, bottom line, if you are following up for card, always ask if I-89 is scanned in their system. May help expedite the card, like it did for my wife.

Good Luck.

Can you tell me what is the best time to call INS? What is the normal wait time you have ?

Thanks! I am still waiting on card.

I tried at 1PM and got through within 30 minutes.
But, there is no guarantee. It depends...

Good Luck !!

Stamped this year

Anybody who stamped their passport in January got the cards yet ? Better yet anyody with I485 wac#s 02045##### got the actual card. Been waiting since january this year!
Tell me about it.

Been waiting since last Oct with WAC 046. No sign of any movement anywhere. I think everyone at BCIS is watching the war coverage
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Good News


Received my wife's card on 03.21.03.
finally, my GC journey is over. This is my last post, but I might borwse for a month or so (hard to let go of a habit)

Good luck to you all waiters.

Look at my earlier post for tip on expediting card (if it is delayed beyond 8-9 months).

card ordered message 4/1/03

passport stamped on 3/5/03 for approval of 2/14 and 2/27 for both me and my wife...message changed to
On April 1, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.
so can I expect the new card in 2-3 weeks ? from CSC ?
Hey, thats fast

tt tt,

Thats is pleasantly and surprisingly fast (in these days, I mean). Congrats! I guess in another 2-3 weeks you should get it in hand.

I am worried man. I got stamped in October 2002, and at that time, since I had changed residence, I had given a written copy of my new adress. But so far, nothing is happening. Maybe, I should call an IIO.
messg changed

Passport stamped for me and my wife on 24-04-2003.

Message changed just for me to:

Processing for your Alien Registration Card or Green Card has been completed. Your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

Wife's messg is still approved

How long more is the wait to get the plastic card?
Got my card today..Not yet for wife.

passport stamped 5th march, message changed to card ordered on april 2nd..for both of us.
got my card today..posted on 5th april..guess I could wait for some more time to make sure my wife's card is in the mail as well or I will ask the lawyer what to do next.
do u guys see the message

" Processing for your Alien Registration Card or Green Card has been completed. Your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready"

before it change to " card ordered "??

or from " case approval " goes to "card ordered" directly...

thanks a lot
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Got wife's card in the mail today.

Details for her:
passport stamped on 5th march
message changed from "case approved" to "Processing for your Alien Registration Card or Green Card has been completed. Your BCIS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready" in 2 week. On 1st april..message change to " card ordered..."
card was mailed on 9th..received it today.
My details were the same except that my card was mailed on the 5th and received 4 days ago.
Thanks tt tt

thanks for ur info tt tt
u're so lucky
I got my passport stamped in early Feb 2003, but not hear anything yet...
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got approved in Aug 2002, still waiting

Hi folks
I got approved with my wife as a dependant in Aug 2002.
My wife got her physical green card in Sep itself, I have been
waiting till now.
INS online case status says processing completed. your bcis documents will be mailed to you soon. Still nothing happened
in last 8 months.
Anybody got approved before me who has not got the
physical green card. Any suggestions on what i should do?
Got approved in Jan 2002, Still waiting


I got approved in Jan 2002. My wife got her card in June 2002. I am still waiting..