CSC method of operations


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while a lot of us have had different theories let me also put my latest pet theory accross.

we get fp notices - then the fp goes to fbi
fbi sends response and a background check is requested.

All files move to adjudication floor when
a) fp
b) fbi check
c) background check has been done

The files are labelled with WAC number and are adjudicated in the order of wac number.

If officer requests new cases those cases which are in queue based on lowest WAC number will be sent to officer.

Daily the cases which are on adjudication floor will change because background checks are not going sequentially.

After Officer gets the files he may
a) Approve
b) call for RFE
c) Transfer to local office for Interview

I request everyone to discuss the CSC method of operations

If processing is by WAC# we cannot ask for more.That is utopian. I think processing by RD or ND or WAC # is equally fair if they can strictly adhere to the process. But imagine the manual effort involved in cataloging cases everyday by WAC #. The WAC # which is in the front of the stack may not be the lowest WAC # that is adjudication-ready tomorrow. There has to be a constant manual manipulation of the position of cases. I also imagine that there are several folks working in the file room who attach background reports physically to cases and bring them to the adjudication-ready shelves. For this process to work, each person would need to sort the pile each time they add new cases. To optimize this, I would have file room personnel add cases to the shelves as and when they are ready and at the end of the day somebody else re-arranges the files by WAC # at the end of the day. If this is what happens, assignment of cases to officers cannot happen during the day. Assignment would have to happen only once at the beginning of the day when all cases are sorted by WAC #. Otherwise, the purpose of sorting by WAC # would be defeated. This is too cumbersome and fraught with chance of error. That is why I don\'t think they would optimise to the level of sorting by WAC # daily.

The cataloging involved would be similar to that in a large library. The essential difference would be that in a library books can be returned to any shelf at any time whereas at INS you are essentially dealing with a few months window at any given time(just a few shelves). Therefore, the amount of re-sorting would be much higher at INS than at a large library. Does anybody know whether books in a library are returned to the shelves by the librarians periodically during the day or at times that the library is closed to the public? That is probably what happens at INS.

On the other hand, if they were to hold adjudication-cases by RD or even ND on a monthly basis then they can assure that assignment of cases within the same month will happen around the same window in time. Again within these shelves based on month of RD and ND cases would not be sorted by RD. For that to happen, we would need the same constant manual intervention discussed above.

The above is my thought process but I also have noticed recently that processing seems to follow a WAC# pattern. Since WAC# and ND are synonymous they may be processing by ND also. All the information that I have indicates that they hold cases by month of RD. But, it is possible that they recently optimized that process to sort by batch of WAC # (for eg: WAC-251 to 260 or WAC-261 to 270 etc).

Yes - I have been to 4 different public libraries and have noticed that the books that are returned to the counter are reshelved within 30 minutes.

But in the library concept you have a space that is vacant when the book is out

The idea is that is the above theory is that CSC is adjudicating by WAC(ND) number and while you cannot have a exact sequence I still feel that the main bottleneck is the background check

They have only 15 officers and I imagine that officers request for files once a week and not on an hourly or daily basis.

I am trying to come up with a theory as to why some cases are stuck and others are being processed out of turn. The answer to that is that many fp specially in San Jose cases have been done late and hence their background check takes time.

Hence the delay in adjudication of many april cases

Whatever - I still have not found the answer to my 64 million dollar question - "When will my case be adjudicated ?"

CSC may be holding the cases in batches like you said, Dee Rod
in ranges like 25-260 etc etc or may have them in some computer based system for easy sorting and identification as to which officer it is assigned to - I think the latter is most likely so that they are able to track the cases, I think that they have a number of systems and not a central system and this is why the avm is out of whack . Also some of the responses of IIO have been that yes your case has been assigned to officer which I am sure points to a computer based system.
I think they process within a window

But, it is possible that they recently optimized that process to sort by batch of WAC # (for eg: WAC-251 to 260 or WAC-261 to 270 etc).
question on background check

If the person is less than one year in US at the time of filing,
does INS require any special checks ?
In my case wife is less than a year in US at the time of filing.
No Title


Here is my theory. Once csc gets all reports from fbi,cia .Then the contract personnel will take the print outs of those reports and attach these reports to each individual file.If it is a family pack,then they will take the print outs of the family pack at a time and put those files together as pack.Then the file moves to staging section based on RD.Here may be some people who filed in aug got wac number in advance like 266 and july person gets his wac nr in aug like 270.Then wac 266 case may be moved to july shelf based on wac (by contractors who may do at their descretion). Once these files are in staging,it will move to adjudication floor based on months racks and from there onwards,these cases are distibuted by work distribution supervisor to different Adjudicating officers bases on the files that are stacked at supervisors table in round robin rotation basis.Once case was taken by officer,he can take his own time to adjudicate case based on lot of factros ( either personel or some thing else).Once he recommends for approval,this file goes back to supervisor and from there the contract people will update the system and take the print out of approval notices.Once they took the print out of approval notices,they may update the system with avm message.There it ends to get enjoy or wait for some more time
My 2 cents

WAC numbers are based on ND, and the pattern in which approval is going on you can see batches of WACs 230\'s - 240\'s - 250\'s - 260\'s - 270\'s. (every once in a while you see the exception where a higer WAC number gets approved)

I have seen folks with RD and FP date much later than mine getting approvals because their ND dates is earlier than mine.

That would explain the reason why the two times I have called IIO they ask me to be paitent than even say that my case has been assigned to an officer.

And the above also makes me beleive that INS works in First In First Out method most of the time.

I remember going to the local laundry

They are quite efficient in managing your clothes - They have a revolving rack which moves and they can locate your clothes very efficiently - Maybe CSC has such a system whereby they can locate your case very fast.

But whatever filing method/computerised/manual method is used I am sure that they are going by wac number but the reason that it is not going sequential is that background checks are the main issue and my hope is that with the recent changes in the new filers - who have been getting fp notices at the start of their case rather than the end of the case you will find csc moving sequentially.

But we july rd filers will not see the effect of these recent changes in fp system.

I do hope that background checks are goind smoothly and hope that CSC moves fast.

what about people like me whose receipt notices were delayed for 5 months with no fault of their own. my RD is 06/15 and ND 11/06(very unusual situation).

I am in the same situation as you are, my RD is May 16, 01 and ND is Sept 17, 01. I was following the May RD closely hoping that my AD would come at around the same time, whereas what I observed was folks whose RD and ND are within a smaller gap got their approvals and folks with NDs before mine and RD later than mine are also getting their approvals. So I am hoping the August folks start getting their approvals, which follows my WAC number (or ND approval)
dss and grigri

I appeal to you to please give your details
The details help all of us for tracking purposes
Please try to post as much details as possible
Thanks in advance

md - mailing date
rd - receipt date
nd - notice date
wac no - wac number (please ommit the last four digits)
ap - advance parole document date
ead - employment authorization date
fp sch - fingerprint schedule date
fp done - fingerprint done date
fp location - fingerprint location
eb category
current avm message
priority date
I have given my details twice before

ON a thread that talking about large RD & ND gap and another started by PCee on this same topic.
Anyway, here\'s my info. again, thanks DSS
PD: 10/00
MD: 05/15/01
RD: 05/16/01
ND: 09/17/01
EAD: 11/26/01
Can\'t remeber AP date but it came before EAD in Oct.
FP Scheduled & done: 12/07/02
Current AVM: Processing resumed on Jan 12th.
How many wac numbers are processed every week?

nd - 4/20/01
wac number WAC-01-289XXXX
ead - 1/10/01
fp done - 2/19/02
fp location - San Jose
current avm message (dont know)
priority date 8/20/02

I wonder if anyone has any idea of how many weeks it will take before the WAC-01-289 batch is processed..

My understanding from reading the threads is that 260-270 are being processed at the moment. Is this correct?
WAC# and ND doesn\'t make sense...

ND on 04/20/01 => WAC-01-163-xxx from PCee\'s list
Yours is WAC-01-289-xxx ??? Either your WAC # is incorrect or ND is incorrect...