CSC 485 employement based, RD 4/20/2002, no FP yet

I waited 9 months for my FP notice.
My attorney waited like almost 6 months, faxed inquiry, waited the required period and faxed again.
Thereafter she called twice, and spoke to an IIO who finally scheduled it.

You need to start a follow up on yours.
My ND was 04/24/2004 at csc - recd fp on May19

I had the same problem
My ND was 04/24/2002. Called IIO a couple of times and they said that it was ordered in the month of april 2002.. Then I received it on May 19th 2003 and got it done on June 10th -- Did not send any faxes etc..

I noticed that several april 2002 appliers are receiving it this month.. Hopefully you should get yours too..