Criminal history check for extended overseas stay?


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Questions for experts or those who had stayed overseas for a prolonged period of time:

I filed N400 in January and was fingerprinted recently. I just wonder if I need to supply any additional documents verifying that I was NOT involved in criminal activities while overseas for the past 2 years? I guess FBI background check might find a gap in my presence in US and they have no easy to find out what I did abroad...

You advice is appreciated!
No. Let the system run its normal checks, and don't try to confuse it, or your case may end up in a blackhole somewhere.
How about overseas employment then?

Good point, Boatlod. I was just over cautious that CIS's request for a document like that during or after the interview might cause delay. But anyway, I will wait and see then...

Also, even though I derived from my wife's N470 the benefit to preserve US residence, I did take up an employment with an european JV company in China for just over two years. How should I explain or document my overseas employment in order to prove that my stay there was temporary in nature? Of course, I signed a 1 year employment contract and renewed it once during that period.

Thanks ahead for your inputs!
Since you were covered by your wife's N-470, I think you already have ample proof that your trip was temporary. Seems reasonable to say you took employment to help pay the bills/occupy your time while your wife was on her assignment.