Creative ways to Maintain PR status


Registered Users (C)
I saw a lot of postings from people who live in the US/outside and want to maintain the requirement for permanent residency of staying 2 out of 5 yrs. I was wondering if some loopholes exist. I am not trying to exploit/condoning such an action, but just exploring.

1. You drive to Canada from the US- they will stamp you passport which will show entry stamp. But when you enter US - they only see your visa and let you in, they don't make a US entry stamp- if you already have a visa with I-94 attached. So Canadian authorities do not know you have left the country. When you reenter Canada which cud be after 2 yrs, you can claim that you left very recently. How do they know that you left Canada. This is easy to prove if you drove rather than fly. Does anyone know if US authorities are scanning and maintaining a record of entry and even if they do it would be improbable that they are sharing that info with Canadian authorities.

2. After entering Canada with an entry stamp and then entering the US without an exit canada stamp or US entry stamp - get a new passport made claiming that you lost the old one, through which your entry stamp to Canada would disappear. Then you can claim that you were always physically present in Canada.

For doing all this, one needs to have an addressm maintained for records (friend/relative). Maybe maintain a bank a/c or something My guess is that having no employment/payroll hardly matters as the requirement is only physical presence. Any thoughts?

my thoughts

I landed recently also and have a job and life in us.
from what I understand, its upon you to prove that you have been in canada for the required 2 years out of 5 or the required 3 years for citizenship.

Obviousely, easiest way to prove this would be to show payroll stabs, W2s or income tax returns. But if you don't live there, then what do you show?
I'm thinking a cobination of different bills & statements????