CP processing


Registered Users (C)
Can I cahnge from AOS to CP? How do I found out how long does CP processing takes in Brazil? Do you have to be outside US the whole process or can u still be here? And if you can stay, can you go out of the US at all???

Thanks for your help!:confused:
Originally posted by tweedybird
Can I cahnge from AOS to CP? How do I found out how long does CP processing takes in Brazil? Do you have to be outside US the whole process or can u still be here? And if you can stay, can you go out of the US at all???

Thanks for your help!:confused:

Changing lanes from AOS to CP is possible and is done by filing
the Form I-824.

Research this subject with reference to the US Consulate in

You can be here or outside US while this process is going on.
There are no travel restrictions specifically because of this, while
this process is going on.

Research the threads and you will find lots of information.

I have browsed this site for CP Brazil and did not find anything just a thread from someone else questioning the same thing.

Is there any other way I could check this out? For instance calling the US consulate there would be a possibility?

Also since Im already one year on AOS and having done exams will I have to do the exams again? Will the process start from the beginning right?

Thanks for your help!
Originally posted by tweedybird
I have browsed this site for CP Brazil and did not find anything just a thread from someone else questioning the same thing.

Is there any other way I could check this out? For instance calling the US consulate there would be a possibility?

Also since Im already one year on AOS and having done exams will I have to do the exams again? Will the process start from the beginning right?

Thanks for your help!

Since you have already waited for 1 year in AOS line the change
to CP may not be worth while.

The change would involve filing of I-824 for changing from AOS to
CP route. And the Consulate may want you to wait till such I-824 is approved. The I-824 approval itself is taking anything like 8 months or so.

I think you would be better off waiting for AOS which should come about in about 8 months are so.

the problem is that TSC can take up to 999 days to process AOS!!!

And you never know if this will take longer...also 999 days looks like as they have defined the duration with 3 numbers so they cannot put anything over 3 digits!!!

so CP has been crossing my ming...

I have not received FP request either!!! That is the worst nightmare EVER!!!:mad: