CP guru's - photos for proof of marriage and relationship


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,
i have a question regarding photos for marriage and proof of current relationship. This is for my wife for whom I am sponsoring a follow-to-join. We got married in jan 2002 and her interview is scheduled in the next few weeks.

we need to show photos of our marriage and of the trips that I took (4) to meet her during this past 22 months.

My question is for the interview, how many photos and what specific events are they concerned about (Sikh wedding). Our wedding photo album has over 300 photos while each trip has about 40-50 phtos. I am not sure if my wife should carry all the albums or just a few photos. I also have phone bills to show that we communicated ocnstantly.

My main concern is that I want the embassy to have enough proof that we were married and that we continue to keep a married relationship

Guru's....all advice is appreciated.
There is absolutely no need to carry all the albums, phone bills, etc. The officers do not have that much time to go through all the photos nor are they interested in anyone's marriage.

As of date, you are married to your wife.Thats what they need proof for.

You and your wife cannot stay permanently in the premises of the Consulate and infront of the officers to prove that you are married and you intend to keep your relationship.:D

So, if you just take the albums with many MARRIAGE photos,thats enough.

Making phone calls and evidence that you made the trips to meet her, are not proofs that you are married to your wife.

UNLESS ofcourse the consular officer has SPECIFICALLY ASKED you to submit all these proofs, I do not see any reason for so much evidence to be submitted.

As an afterthought, there is no harm in carrying whatever evidence you may have.

There is a very good possibility of her being asked: " Why are you going to US to join your husband AFTER such a long time and almost 2 years after getting married?" Though it may sound personal, I feel it is quite a logical one. If I were the CO, I would definitely ask this question.(I assume from your post that this is her first visit through you to US after getting married)

So, if she can satisfactorily reply to this question, like, she stayed back to complete her final year of college(show proof that she has appeared at the exams,etc) or some other very logical reason, then everything should be fine.

Also, it might be handy,if you have not already done so, if your employer can write a letter addressing the Consular Officer, stating that you are employed with them and request that your wife may kindly be issued the visa.

Good Luck:)

PS: ALL the above are just my personal opinion.
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Marriage certificate

An official marriage certificate from the court can help you to prove that you and your wife were legally married.

Apart from the marriage certificate, 3 or 4 photos covering
the main events( as determined by you,and showing faces), of your marriage will be sufficient.
