CP for GC at Islamabad, Pakistan-2004-05 Pls post experience

confused cp

Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I just wanted to start a thread to get the expereinces of applicants who have applied for or completed consular processing with interview in Islamabad, Pakistan in 2004 and 2005. Please post your experience in general but especially regarding security clearance/FBI name check and the process of interview.

Response from US embassy ISB re security clearance


There are various steps of clearance. Yes the basic one is done at the
National Visa Center. However, at the time of visa issuance, an
applicant's name has to be matched with our list of bad guys. This is the
security clearance that really matters. As based of its result an
applicant is denied a visa until a clearance is actually done. The for this
clearance is minimum 45 days and maximum is indefinite.

Yours truly,
Immigrant Visa Unit


Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 8:37 AM
To: Islamabad, IV
Subject: Information regarding Security Clearance for Immig Visa (GC)

April 1, 2005

Re: -Timing of security clearance of immigrant visa applicants (employment based).
Is it performed while the case is at National visa center or at the embassy after the interview

Dear Sir:

I would appreciate it if you could address my questions regarding the security clearance for employment based immigrant visa processing at the United States Embassy in Islamabad. Your reponse will help me plan accordingly.

Please note that all of this pertains to applicants who are already living and working in the US and are planning to come to Pakistan for the visa interview.

1. WHEN DOES the security clearance actually take place? Is it done while the case is at the National Visa center or is is it done at the embassy prior to
the interview or after the interview.

2. if incase the security clearance does indeed take place in Islamabad, Pakistan, HOW LONG does the whole process take?

Once again, I thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Very truly yours,

Further correspondence regarding security clearance

Here is some further response to questions that I had asked the embassy official.


Answer to both the questions is NO.

Yours truly,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005
To: Islamabad, IV
Subject: RE: Information regarding Security Clearance for Immig Visa


Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I have two follow-up questions and would really appreciate your response.

1. While the security clearance is pending (45 days-indefinite) CAN THE applicant for Immigrant visa, travel on a existing valid H1B1 visa stamp back to the US and resume work with his employer?
The applicant can subsequently return to Islamabad when the security clearance has been obtained by the embassy and complete the formalities to get the IV

2. If an applicant already has had a non-immigrant visa (H1B1) stamped and had security clearance done WITHIN THE LAST ONE YEAR at US embassy in Canada, do you waive the requirement of security clearance for
the immigrant visa interview?
In other words, security clearance, once obtained stays VALID FOR ONE YEAR ( I read that on Dept of state website)

Once again, Sir, I thank you for you assistance in this matter.

Very Truly Yours,

confused cp said:
Hi all,

I just wanted to start a thread to get the expereinces of applicants who have applied for or completed consular processing with interview in Islamabad, Pakistan in 2004 and 2005. Please post your experience in general but especially regarding security clearance/FBI name check and the process of interview.


Didn't u read that.


and also use 'search' button search pakistan or islamabad to learn more
positive experiences for CP as well

Well, I do agree that all of us should make informed decisions. Everybody's case is different.

I know of at least 3 people who have had their consular processing done in Islamabad, without any trouble in 2004 and 2005. One of them was family based CP and was in the month of May 2005 and was given the IV the next day. Their case was not delayed because of security clearance/Administrative processing.

The problem is that we dont have enough information about Pakistan to get a complete picture. We need more people to come to this forum and inform us of their experiences.