I am hoping to send my I-140 petition this week, but not sure if my petition letter is strong enough, as it is less than 2 pages long (I didn't want to waffle and keep it precise). I was hoping someone would critique it and suggest any modifications.
Letter is below
I am submitting an application for permanent residency in the United States based on a national interest waiver. I am currently a post doctoral researcher at X and before that I was a post doctoral research associate with X.
My research spans a broad range of fields including computer modeling and simulations, scientific and numerical computing, image processing, computer graphics and scientific visualization. Monte Carlo methods are a class of mathematical techniques that are extremely useful and employed in a large number of non related fields such as nuclear physics, weather forecasting, special effects in movies and computer games, telecommunication, gambling, financial modeling, modeling the spread of diseases, search and rescue, and pollution. The knowledge I have in this field has enabled me to translate my skills to a number of different fields that I have worked in, even though at first glance the topics don’t have much in common. I believe that the skills I have in this area are essential to a wide range of industries that have significant national interest for the United States to maintain the current advantages in areas such as scientific research, numerical computing and finance.
1. A copy of a letter issued by The University of Manchester noting my successful completion of a PhD.
2. A copy of my PhD degree certificate.
3. A copy of my MSc degree certificate.
4. A copy of my BSc(hons) degree certificate.
5. A copy of the certificate for the best paper award at an international conference, which is awarded to the author of the best paper judged by a committee of well known senior researchers.
6. A copy of the front cover of the proceeding illustrating my work. I was contacted by the editor to ask for a sample of my work for the front cover of the proceedings, which was accepted.
7. A copy of an email asking me to submit an image for the front cover.
8. A copy of the paper that won the best paper award.
9. A copy of a print out from citeseerx showing current number of citations for the paper.
10. A copy of an email inviting me to be a reviewer at Siggraph Asia. I was recommended as a reviewer by X who was familiar with my work and expertise in the field of subsurface light scattering.
11. A print out of the QS world university rankings (1-30) as evidence that The University of Manchester is ranked 26th in the world, with website link.
12. A copy of my current DS-2019
13. Letter of recommendation by X
14. Letter of recommendation by X
15. Letter of recommendation by X
16. Letter of recommendation by X
17. Letter of recommendation by X
18. Letter of recommendation by X
19. Letter of recommendation by X
20. Letter of Recommendation by X
21. Letter of recommendation by X
22. Letter of recommendation by X
23. A signed true copy statement.
24. A copy of my Curriculum Vitae.
25. A copy of my passport photograph.
26. A copy of all my professional memberships.
I am hoping to send my I-140 petition this week, but not sure if my petition letter is strong enough, as it is less than 2 pages long (I didn't want to waffle and keep it precise). I was hoping someone would critique it and suggest any modifications.
Letter is below
I am submitting an application for permanent residency in the United States based on a national interest waiver. I am currently a post doctoral researcher at X and before that I was a post doctoral research associate with X.
My research spans a broad range of fields including computer modeling and simulations, scientific and numerical computing, image processing, computer graphics and scientific visualization. Monte Carlo methods are a class of mathematical techniques that are extremely useful and employed in a large number of non related fields such as nuclear physics, weather forecasting, special effects in movies and computer games, telecommunication, gambling, financial modeling, modeling the spread of diseases, search and rescue, and pollution. The knowledge I have in this field has enabled me to translate my skills to a number of different fields that I have worked in, even though at first glance the topics don’t have much in common. I believe that the skills I have in this area are essential to a wide range of industries that have significant national interest for the United States to maintain the current advantages in areas such as scientific research, numerical computing and finance.
1. A copy of a letter issued by The University of Manchester noting my successful completion of a PhD.
2. A copy of my PhD degree certificate.
3. A copy of my MSc degree certificate.
4. A copy of my BSc(hons) degree certificate.
5. A copy of the certificate for the best paper award at an international conference, which is awarded to the author of the best paper judged by a committee of well known senior researchers.
6. A copy of the front cover of the proceeding illustrating my work. I was contacted by the editor to ask for a sample of my work for the front cover of the proceedings, which was accepted.
7. A copy of an email asking me to submit an image for the front cover.
8. A copy of the paper that won the best paper award.
9. A copy of a print out from citeseerx showing current number of citations for the paper.
10. A copy of an email inviting me to be a reviewer at Siggraph Asia. I was recommended as a reviewer by X who was familiar with my work and expertise in the field of subsurface light scattering.
11. A print out of the QS world university rankings (1-30) as evidence that The University of Manchester is ranked 26th in the world, with website link.
12. A copy of my current DS-2019
13. Letter of recommendation by X
14. Letter of recommendation by X
15. Letter of recommendation by X
16. Letter of recommendation by X
17. Letter of recommendation by X
18. Letter of recommendation by X
19. Letter of recommendation by X
20. Letter of Recommendation by X
21. Letter of recommendation by X
22. Letter of recommendation by X
23. A signed true copy statement.
24. A copy of my Curriculum Vitae.
25. A copy of my passport photograph.
26. A copy of all my professional memberships.