cover letter or explanation foradvance parole


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,
do I need to send a cover letter or some explanation while applying for advance parole apart from the form and supporting documents?
Thanks in advance for your reply

just state that your business obligations require you to travel to Canada and UK and that the dates havent been confirmed till now.

I believe u need to explain in part 7 of I-131 appl form, why do u need AP?. Here is what I hv mentioned in form:

"I have applied for the I-485 Adjustment of Status and wish to travel prior to the approval of the I-485 application"

But you may need to ask ur lawyer before sending to INS. Use at ur own risk.
Here's what I did

I wrote a cover letter noting the reason for my request (ie: Advance Parole) and I listed the accompanying documentation that I included:

· Completed I-131 Application form
· A check payable to the “Immigration and Naturalization Service” in the amount of $110.
· A copy of the Receipt Notice of the pending I-485 application for Adjustment of Status.
· Two photographs, the A# and Name is written in pencil at the back of each.

ANd ended it off with something like 'I trust this meets the eligibility requirements for the renewal of the Advance Parole document etc...'

Note: the fees have changed since I sent mine in last week.

I know the section you are referring to, it wouldn't hurt to provide a reason. I did speak to the lawyer's office and the lady who worked on my original last year said she didn't include anything and that the I-485 pending is reason enough. And that is sort of what the instructions imply. I will wait and see.

good luck!

thanks guys

thanks guys. i appreciate it. This morning I went to Boston INS and got the AP.