Could I apply for E2 visa


New Member
Hello everybody,

I,ll explane my situation.

1.My father have a business in USA. He has a co-parthner and both of them have a 50%.I consider to buy my father's partner share(this is 50% of whole business).
The price of whole business is apprasied about 150 000$ e.g. i should it buy for 75 000$. Is this value enough to apply for E2 visa.
For an existing business i would be expected to provide recent business tax returns, which will show the annual profit generated.I have the funds deposited in escrow in the United States for the business purchase.
2. Is there any problem to issue this type of visa after i developing this business with my father. At the moment i,m on a B1/B2 visa.

kind regards

The requirement to obtain a E visa is you have to invest a substantial sum of money. I do not think $75,000 will be enough to qualify and you could run into problems as your father is living in the usa and could be seen as you having immigrant intent

Have bee told they are looking for people to invest around $200,000

Think you should consult with lawyer.