Copy of approved Labor Certificate?


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Gurus - I do not have copy of approved LC. I-140 approved couple of years back so ti does not have the info. I hear recent I-140 have the info.

My company is not willing to share the copy as they think it is their property. It will be helpful to have a copy of approved LC for exact ONet/Job catoegory code and exact job description for job change with AC21.

What are my options? Where else can I get this information?

Please help
I am also in the same boat.Annoosa, can you please tell me the process to get the duplicate LC?
Please check in some thread in AC-21 forum. You can get Labor using FOIA (freedom of Information Act) sample applications letters are posted somewhere . I think it was some times in July-Aug.
On the downside it could take you 4-6 months to get this info.

But please check with Immigration procedures and lawyer, it could be much less time now.
Unless your company is willing to provide the copies of your approved LC and / 140, there is no way you can obtain it.

Your best bet is to take the job description from your Labor filing worksheet and the application for 140 (only if you have saved the signed copies of these documents when you submitted it to your attorney for filing).

I was lucky in this regard as my attorney had sent me the copy of my approved labor and 140 approval notice without my asking for it, my employer did not have the policy of holding these documents back from the employee.
