converting J1 into H4


New Member

i would like some help in my current visa situation.
I'm on J1 visa as an au-pair. I got extended in January, got my new DS-2019, and even went to my country of residence and got new J-1 visa for my extention period (6 months). My current visa expires in July.
i have a bf, he's a holder of H1 (working visa), and we r both from the same country. His visa expires in July as well, but his company is working on his working permit, so they want him to work in this company for another 3 years or so.
we've been dating for 1 yr. now we r thinking about getting married and me staying with him for the duration of his working permit.
so now we r dealing with some issues, like:

1. how should i change my status from J1 to H4? what documents should we get ready? where should we get married -in US or in our country?

2. after coming to our country we should go to US embassy - how easy in our case it will be to get him his H1 visa, and me H4 as his spouse? and what should we do to make getting our visas more possible?

3. or is it better in this case for me not to change status while i'm in US, and then get back home and get married there and try to get visa?

i want to stay in US legally and do everything in a proper way, but i'm really confused at this point now..

I hope to hear from you soon!
