Continuous Residency Question


New Member
I immigrated with my family when I was a teenager.
In my early 20's, I stayed with my grandparents in Holland for about 1 1/2 years.
I was completely unaware of the reentry permit needed and moved back to my parents house in the US.
Went through immigration when I came back with no problems at all, noone questioned me about anything so I never gave it a 2nd thought until I looked at the N-400 app.

That was >14 years ago. My question is, is that going to affect my citizenship application? Can I even apply for citizenship ever?
I don't even remember the exact dates I was gone, it's been so long. I am now in my late 30's.
1) I assume you were granted permanent residence status (green card) during or after the time you immigrated with your family.
2) I would be optimistic that your lack of a re-entry permit would not be a problem. Obviously the immigration officer who let you back in the States did not think so.
3) However, be aware that the immigration service DOES have the authority to revoke a decision previously made by their colleagues in previous years if they decide that all the facts were not "on the table" at the time.
4) In a worst-case situation, this can result in loss of permanent residency
5) If I were in your position, I would invest in legal advice on this issue before submitting my N-400.

I am sure you will be OK, good luck and let us know how you get on.