Contacting Embassy of India in DC


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CGI of San Francisco sent me the NORI letter copied to Embassy in DC on March 30. I do have my case number listed on DHS website but no NORI is received from the embassy of India so far. Is there any way to contact the embassy. I tried calling the Indian embassy so many times on many days. But has never been able to talk to anyone and inquire if they have send the NOC to the DHS at all. Anyone has any advise on contacting the Indian embassy, please let me know.

you just have to keep trying to call the embassy, if you want to talk to someone. Thats what I did. My letter was sent by washington embassy on feb 5, 2009 to DOS. to date no update on DOS website, if that gives you any consolation
Hi rsneeti, thanks for the message. Did the DC embassy sent you a copy of the certificate when they forwarded it to DOS?
From DOS Website after I login with my case number I see this description. "Items are documents or forms associated with a waiver basis, and include the required forms and request letters described above. Items in bold-italic are documents or forms requested by DoS and are waiting to be received. Some cases require more than the minimum number of documents, thus, take longer to process."

However, in my case they have not listed the item "no objection letter" at all. At least they should show this as pending I thought. Against all the other documents they have indicated the action as "received"
Hi rijo and Folks,

From what you have written in the above messages , i understand that the D.C embassy had sent the NORI to the DOS before ur status was updated in the DOS that what happens is that the DOS simply doesnot care about the NORI which was sent by the indian embassy ..this has happened to me ...i too called the embassy and you will never get to speak to them and if luckily , u do , then they would say that they would fax ur document to the DOS , which according to me is useless as the DOS website clearly mentioned that all documents be mailed to them , unless they specifically ask them to be , then i went to the D.C embassy and the lady again argued with me and told me that she would fax it and not mailed it and i said ok and came back about 4 weeks back and Rules are Rules for the DOS and i did not see an update in the DOS website i went on the 20 th April to the embassy again and showed the lady that they want it to be mailed and she was again very reluctant to mail it and again told that she would fax and i was also reluctant to stop requesting and bugging her till she said that she would mail it and finally got it mailed on monday and today i have an update in my status that the NOC is received.. The problem with me was that the indian embassy sent the NOC before i case updated by the DOS in their website status and documnets were received on feb 18th and NOC was received on April much precious time wasted......

My advice to you is not waste time in calling ...if possible go to D.C and meet her , request her to send an NOC via Mail ......that is the best bet if you are from india and want to get an NOC..
Good Luck.
Department of state fax number

can someone please tell me the fax number of department of state where we can fax documents concerning our waivers. thanks.
Hi there,
There is absolutely no use to fax the DOS with any of your concern....they don't respond to it and believe me , i tried it and i know people who have also tried it without any luck..
Hi. I need the fax number to send the new DS-2019 that I got after my extension of Ji because my current J1 would have expired on May 14, 2009 and the decision on waiver is still pending. However, now the case status shows NOS received on April 23, 2009. So please let me know the fax number if you have it. Thanks.
Hi , the fax number for the DOS which the public inquiries have given me is 202-663-2868 ..

Hope it helps in your case.
Hi Gasman 007, Thanks for the fax number. Did you see any update on ur case status. I guess ur timeline is the same as mine. My documents were received on Feb 17 and the NOS was received on april 23. So its possible we will see the recommendation at the same time.
Hi rijo and Folks,

From what you have written in the above messages , i understand that the D.C embassy had sent the NORI to the DOS before ur status was updated in the DOS that what happens is that the DOS simply doesnot care about the NORI which was sent by the indian embassy ..this has happened to me ...

Hi gasman007, I am from India. Thanks for your message. It is very unlikely that the DC embassy would have sent the NORI to DOS before it updated the status. Even if they did, why would DOS ignore it since they already have our case number? And before going to DC and dealing with the Indian embassy, is there a way to contact DOS and confirm whether they have got the NORI and not updated the status? I tried calling the 202-663-1225 number and couldnt get to talk an individual. It let me check the status with my case number and surprisingly it said it did not have any records of my case though the webpage do show my case record.

Another related question: Does the DC emabassy also sent you a copy when they sent the NORI certificate to DOS? I have received a copy from CGI San Francisco but nothing from the Indian DC embassy so far.
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To rsneeti,
I hope we receive the waiver at the same time..and i need the waiver as soon as possible as i am running out of time.. According to the research, i have done ,the DOS these days is issuing the favourable recommendation with 2 weeks of updating the NOC statement in their website i am very confident that there would be some decision on our case by this friday..but i am keeping my fingers crossed..
Also , keep me posted if there are any updates on your case...
Hi rijo,
I am answering your questions but i am not answering them in the order you asked as i felt that it would be easy for you to understand if i answer them in this order..

1.Yes, the embassy in D.C will send you a copy of the NOC which they sent to the DOS.
2. You said that when you are trying to check the status , it is showing that there are no records of your case of the things which you have to keep in mind is that it takes about 4-6 weeks after you send you application package to the DOS and see something on their website with your case number..i know the anxiety during that time but we did start a thread in this forum as why you can't check the status and you can get some info from it..

3. you can speak to a person by calling the number which you mentioned above but i thing is when you press the j waiver options, the male tone comes and you must be patient to hear that automated msg till the end and then in the end it says that if you want to speak to the operator , then press zero and then when you press zero , then you can speak to an operator.

4. Even though a case number is automatically generated when you apply , they would not keep the record of the NOC from the D.C Embassy , if it is received before they update your application status onliine...this did not only happen to me , i personally know threee other people who had the same problem and had to ask their embassies to resend it and after which they did get their waivers in the recent times...

Lastly my suggestion to you is to wait till you see some status updates with you case number on the DOS website and then plan as to what do after that...

I hope that my info was of some help to you.
Hi rijo,
2. You said that when you are trying to check the status , it is showing that there are no records of your case status.

Hi gasman007, I can see the updates about my case number online. It shows they have received my fees, application etc. See my first post (first post in this thread). But when I contact DOS on the telephone number and check the status with the case number it shows there is no record of my case.. Let me see if I can talk to the operator. Thanks for your response and all the best.

The Embassy in DC has not sent me the letter so far even though cgi SFO sent it long back.
I just spoke to a lady at the DOS and she told me that they have not received the NORI from Indian Embassy so far. It is consistent also with the fact that I have not received the copy of the certificate from the DC embassy either. It has been exactly one month since San Francisco Indian consulate sent the document to embassy in India and copied to me.

Is this one month normal for Indian DC embassy to sent the stuff to DOS? I am getting nervous.
update: Just received the No objection letter from the DC embassy. Looks like they have sent the stuff to DOS.
Hi , don't worry about the automated phone msg telling your status as it also tells me that there is no record of my case status..
My case status shows funding source memo (item) sent (action) and in another column under the heading 'item' unknown and under the heading 'action' as requested. The dates are May 4, 2009. I do not know what is unknown . As usual I tried calling up the public enquiries and an automated voice mail...has anyone seen something like this ??
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If you are trying to call the DOS please select the option 1 and then zero to talk to the operator. I was able to connect to a lady after I did this. Dont chose the number 2 option.
Thanks so much Rijo. I was able to talk to the visa specialist after pressing 0. However when she checked my case status, she did not see unknown. So I will wait and see what happens.