Congress Passed Today Religious Worker Immigration Extension Bill for Five Years


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This today on Immigration-Law.Com

Wouldn't It Just Make You Scream

10/03/2003: Congress Passed Today Religious Worker Immigration Extension Bill for Five Years

AILA has reported that the Senate passed this afternoon the bill which the House already passed. Accordingly, once this bill is signed by the President, it will become a law. Very good news for religious worker immigrants!

I had similar feeling as you when I read that. But I guess that means those cases not being adjudicated within the annual deadline would not automatically go into denials. However, that doesn't extend their higher priority over us after Sep 30th, or does it? Any inputs?
If they have extended it for another 5 years, doesnt that mean that the pressure on BCIS to adjudicate them is off for quite some time ?

I guess thats good news for EB based I485s and other resourceless applications ???