Congrats American Gujju... Are u there to respond to this


Registered Users (C)

Hearty congratulations to you and your family for obtaining ur GC.

I am kind of confused with your message about Salary. My salary in Labor is more than what i am getting now. I asked my company and they said GC is for Future job and they will not question on this.

THey gave a employment letter saying that they will employ me as xxxx for $xxxx upon completion of processing.

But you are saying.., ur lawyer thinks otherwise.. I am kind of scared tooo. Coz i am having my interview tomorrow. I was very confident that they wont question on this..

NOW i have some butterflies flying in my stomach.

I thought i have alll the documents to support my case.

Your information really scares us, coz most of the people are in the same boat as me. For all the EB2-RIR cases, companies put more salary in the Labor..

Is ur lawyer really knows everything????

ANyhow... sitting tight till tomorrow..
i am sure abt what my lawyer told to me.
salary can not be less than what we filed in labor, basically green card is based on one and only one fact, america doesnt have any body(american citizen or gc holder) to fill your post with you salary, and thats why we run advertisemnet in news paper, with my case not a single application came in first month, so ins asked us to run our ad for one more month.
i think my lawyer may be wrong or INS may ignore his point.
but atleast i believe whatever my lawyer says.
my advice - dont worry, probably they will not raise any issues.

To hhs

THey gave a employment letter saying that they will employ me as xxxx for $xxxx upon completion of processing.

Is the $xxxx greater than or atleast equal to what is stated in Labor ? If you company promises to pay that after you get GC by way of stating that in their employment offer letter, you should be fine.

It is not necessary to draw that slary right now. As stated several times in this forum, GC is for future job, and it is sufficient if you have such an emplyment offer letter.

This is solely my opinion.
