CONFIRMED: Conference Call THURSDAY at 1PM EST on 3 year issue with NSC


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
I got an email from Heather. We are having conference call at 1PM EST THURSDAY (tomrrow) on 3 year bachelors degree issue.

I have VOIP at my home so the clarity may be less. If somebody can be as moderator that will be great. I donot want Mr. Rajiv's precious time to go in vain due to technicalities. Please add your email IDs here so that I can send the email to you all guys about conference instructions.

Also let me know about moderating. It is very very easy. My concern is due to VOIP.

Details Sent to Following users by PM

Hi Guys,
So far I did send details to following users.


Insructions for conference call


When you use your free conference call number you will need to organize every one in your call by notifying them of the date, time, dial in number and access code of your conference. All parties will call the same dial in number and enter the same access code followed by the # key. Once you are connected to the conference, every caller will be able to talk. All participants will have access to these touch tone commands.

Entering Access Codes

When prompted enter the access code that has been assigned to you followed by the # key. Additional host feature keys can be accessed by pressing the * key at the end of the access code instead of the # key.

Ex: 123456# (# key - access to Participant Feature keys only)

Ex: 123456* (* key - access to Host Feature keys for Organizers and Guest Speakers)

Features By Caller

Participant Feature Keys
3 Exit - exit the conference call
4 Instructions - conference instructions
6 Mute/Unmute - caller controlled muting

Host Feature Keys
(Accessed by following the Access Code with a * instead of a #)
2 Count - plays the number of parties in the call
3 Exit - exit the conference call
4 Instructions - conference instructions
5 Listen only modes - host controlled muting
6 Mute/Unmute - caller controlled muting
7 Secured/Unsecured - stop callers from entering
8 Tone controls

Detailed Touch Tone Explanation

Caller count - 2 key (Host only)
Allows the host to get a count of how many callers are on the code

Exit conference - 3 key
Pressing 3 Takes the individual user out of the conference call and back into the lobby.

Instructions - 4 key
Plays a menu of touch tone commands

Listening modes - 5 key (Host only)
There are 3 different listening modes for the audience – the default mode is open conversation – pressing 5 once will mute the audience however the audience can un-mute them selves by pressing 6 for questions or guest speakers – pressing 5 again will put the audience into mute mode with out the capability of un-muting themselves – press 5 again and it will return you to open conversation mode.

Mute - 6 key
Pressing 6 will mute the line of the individual caller pressing 6 – Pressing 6 again will un-mute the line.

Security - 7 key (Host only)
Pressing 7 will secure the conference and block all other callers attempting to enter the conference – pressing 7 again will re-open the conference to all caller joining.

Tone control - 8 key (Host only)
The default setting is Entry and Exit tones on – pressing 8 once and you will hear entry and exit tones off, press 8 again and you will hear Entry tone off exit tone on, press 8 again and you will hear entry tone on exit tone, pressing 8 one more time will put you back in default mode with both exit and entry tones on.
Meeting Minutes of the conference call..

ykvbhaskar said:
Hi Kris:
Could you please post your discussion with Rajiv today?

Hi Bhaskar,
We had conversation for 30 minutes with Mr. Rajiv.

Basically there were two things we discussed.

1) Sending a letter to Mr. Yates:

This may or may not help. But if we can give this project (writing a memo) to a legal person (jr attorney) who knows the rules and regulations of this 3 year issue that may cost around $2000 total that will help than sending us a letter. Mr. Rajiv will look into this draft once it is completed. We (community forum) did not decide on this yet.

2) Lawsuit:

As per Rajiv, we can go for a lawsuit which needs more and more documentation. It may cost around $15000 per person. If there is a settlement then Mr. Rajiv will charge $5000. There are three groups who are suffering here Only BS degree with 3 yrs, Poly+3 yr engg degree and 3Yr BS + 3 yr engg. So we need to file three lawsuits and can ask USCIS to combine all three (folks correct me if I am wrong here).

It will definately takes more time.

Rajiv's suggestion apart from sending memo and lawsuit back up labor with correct wording according to each and every individual education.

Finally we community forum discussed a little and most of them are inclined towards sending a memo to Yates as soon as possible.

Guys if you want to add anything or If I miss anything please add on.

Thanks PSAM for moderating this call and thanks to all who have participated.

Hope this helps.
