Conditional Green Card - Frequent work travel


New Member
Hi All,

I have a conditional green card through marriage. Everything is going good with me and my wife. However my work involves frequent travelling, ranging from few days to maximum 2 weeks. I do have a travel authorization letter from my company (addressed to the visiting country's immigration dept.) The travelling is mostly to Canada and Caribbean Islands.

Things that I do have with me:
1. Travel approval for business from my Company.
2. Air Ticket from my company's travel agent.
3. Hotel Reservations in the visiting country.
4. Phone records of communication between me and my wife while I'm outside US.
5. Conditional Green Card for 2 years.
6. Re-entry Permit valid for the same period as of the green card.
7. Documented Departure/Arrival dates along with the Flight and Port of Exit/Entry details.
8. Proof of residence.
9. Bank accounts in the US.
10. Proof of all the bills that I'm paying.
11. Proof of filing my taxes.

My questions:
1. Will this frequent traveling, although for small periods, affect my Green Card renewal application?
2. Will this frequent traveling, affect my Citizenship application in terms of the number of days required to be in the US to qualify for US Citizenship.

Please let me know your suggestions. Honestly I don't find it worth to go through this travel hassle for my peace of mind, however with the current economy I need to stick with what I got so that I can take care of my family and pay my bills on time.

Thanks a lot.
I don't see any problem with your travel as it is work related.
Get all assets in joint names such as Auto/Health/lLife insurance with all credit cards and loans.
As a spouse of a USC you can apply for your Citizenship on the 3 years minus 90 days of your GC's approval anniversary, out of those 3 years half of that is required to be in US for physical presence requirements. If you are taking short trips and will have 18 months of physical presence you will do just fine.
Just a little side note here with the quick Citizenship process these days apply for Citizenship if you want to at 3 year minus 60 day mark to avoid problems experienced by other forum members here.
Hi namecheckvictim,

Thanks a lot for the quick response and your suggestions.

I'll organize all documents related to joint assets and will ensure that I maintain a record of 18 months of presence in the US. I was skeptical about the citizenship clock reset, but since I need to prove 18 months stay, I'd definitely be able to maintain that. I'll be applying for the removal of conditions in DEC 2011 and hopefully with all the documented proofs I should be fine.

Thanks again!