Comprehensive Interview Questions!!


Registered Users (C)
1. What is her BRA size
4. Why doesn't he wear a ring
3. What is his shoe size
2. Were your parents at the wedding ceremony there?
2. What about his parents?
3. Who was there?
4. What did you do after the ceremony?
5. Who was at the party?
6. What’s her number?
7. How many bedrooms in your house.
8. What is the other room used for.
9. Where is the light switch located in your room?
10. What light does it turn on?
11. Where is the alarm clock?
12. What color is the numbers?
13. Is it a clock radio?
14. Do you have a dishwasher?
15. Do you have a toaster?
16. Do you have an ice machine?
17. Who cooks?
18. Who shops?
19. Who does the laundry?
20. Who cleans?
21. What did you have for dinner last night?
22. What time did you get up this morning?
23. Did you shower?
24. What time did he get up?
25. Did he shower?
26. Did you live at such and such an address on xxx blvd?
27. Who is Robert somebody? Who? I have no idea. Who is it?
28. Is it someone you lived with?
29. What did you do at Christmas?
30. You do not know Robert so and so?
31. My landlord??
41. Favorite restaurants
42. How much I make
43. Why father/best friend not at wedding:
45. Where I work
46. Photographs and layout of house
47. Know my cell phone number and where u doGroceries
49. Favorite Restaurant
50. Favorite Foods
51. Presents we gave
54. How often we have sex and positions
55. Who drove to the interview?
56. How many cars do you have?
57. What did you have for dinner last night?
58. Where did you have dinner?
59. Where did you park this morning?
60. Where did you meet?
61. Get timeline of relationship straight
62. What did the two of you have in common?
63. Where did you go for your first date?
64. How long was it before you decided to get married?
65. Who proposed to whom and did you buy rings?
66. Did you meet the parents? Show me pictures with the parents or siblings?
67. What time do you get up in the morning?
68. How many alarm clocks do you set in the morning? She does not anymore
69. Who makes breakfast?
70. What time do the working spouse or spouses arrive home?
71. Who takes care of paying the bills?
72. Do you have a joint bank account? Where?
73. Do you have any pets?
74. Do you go to church?
75. Do you belong to a gym?
76. Who takes the child to school?
77. When is your spouse’s birthday?
78. What gift did you buy for his/her last birthday?
79. What did you do for your spouse’s last birthday?
80. How did you celebrate your most recent wedding anniversary?
81. What religious holidays do you celebrate together?
82. Have you and your spouse gone to see a movie or other form of entertainment lately?
83. What did the two of you do last New Year’s Eve? Thanksgiving?
84. Any family parties that you attended together recently?
85. On the day of your wedding, where did you wake up? What about your spouse?
86. Where was your wedding?
87. How did you get to the wedding?
88. What about your spouse?
89. Who was present at your wedding?
90. What did you do after the wedding?
91. Where did you go?
92. How many floors are in the house/apartment building where you live?
93. How much is your current rent/mortgage payment?
94. How many televisions do you have in your house/apartment?
95. If you are standing at and facing your kitchen sink, where is the microwave oven?
96. Is your microwave stationary or does it have a revolving plate?
97. Are you paid weekly, every two weeks, twice a month or monthly? What about your spouse?
98. How much money did you receive in your last paycheck/deposit? What about your spouse?
99. Where did you and your spouse first meet? When was it?
100. Who first spoke to whom?
101. Why were you there? What about your spouse?
102. Was your spouse with any other people there? Who?
103. When did you move in together?
104. Do you have any tattoos? Where? What do they look like? What about your spouse?
105. If you are lying in bed, which side does your spouse sleep on?
106. Do you have carpet in your bedroom? What color is it?
107. How is your bedroom closet split up?
108. Where do you keep your clean underwear? What about your spouse?
109. What color is your toothbrush? What about your spouse’s?
110. Do you and your spouse use birth control? What kind?
111. What was the last movie you went out to see together?
112. How many brothers/sisters does your spouse have? What are their names?
113. Do you have an answering machine at home? Whose voice is on the message?
114. What did you do last night after work?
115. What is the name of your spouse’s manager at work?
116. Who is your best friend? What about your spouse?
117. What day is trash picked up at your house?
119. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
120. Where does she keep her underwear?
121. What did you have for dinner last night?
122. Who cooked? Who woke up first this morning?
123. What did you give your wife for her birthday last year?
124. How did you celebrate? Her favorite color?
125. What is your husband's Mother's name?
126. When did you last see his Mother?
127. When is your anniversary?
128. How many brothers and sisters does your husband have?
129. What are their names?
130. Name the electronics in your bedroom.
131. How many floors, bedrooms, baths in your home?
132. How much is your spouse's salary?
133. Are they paid weekly or biweekly?
134. Where do you grocery shop?
135. Where did he live when you first met?
136. Who attended your marriage ceremony at the courthouse?
137. Household- Gas or electric cooking?
138. How much is your mortgage or rent?
139. Do you have a microwave?
140. How did you get here today?
141. How and where did you meet? Who proposed?
142. What is his Mother's name?
143. Where does she work?
144. Where does he put his dirty clothes?
145. What type of hamper?
146. Wood, plastic?
147. What color is the hamper?
148. Where do you keep the hamper?
149. Are you trying to have children?
150. Are you doing anything to prevent children?
151. Where do you live?
152. tell me about your bed room
153. Where are the electronics stuff in the room
154. Facing to the ceiling of the room, where is dresser
155. Do you sleep on right or left
156. In the dresser which draw has your under garments
157. What is color of your bed sheet this morning
158. is there any scenery in the room
159. what is in the scenery
160. How do you get to work
161. How does she get to work
162. Last night who came home first
163. Who cooked dinner
164. what was in dinner
165. who was there on dinner table
166. after dinner, then what happened
167. Who left for bed first
168. When did you have sex last time?
169. What time did you have sex?
170. Does she has any tattoo on her body
171. How much you make a year
172. how much she makes a year
173. Where did you go for vacations in last 4 years (approximate dates and locations)
174. Where did you go recently
175. What did you give her on her last birthday
176. What did she give you on your last birthday
177. What did you exchange in gifts on Thanks Giving and Christmas
178. Which is the last movie you saw together
179. What kind of car you have and what kind of car she has
180. How much you paid and how much she paid
181. color of the car, insurance company and how much is for 6 month
182. What did you do on last Saturday and Sunday (summarize it)
183. What is your full name, spell it
184. what is your husband full name, spell it
185. what is your maiden name, spell it
186. what is your birth date
187. what is your husband birth date
188. when did you enter the country
189. when did your husband enter the country
190. whats my country of birth
191. whats my husband country of birth
192. how did he obtain his green card
193. how, when and where did you meet
194. did we start dating after we met, how long after
195. how long after did he propose
196. when, where and how did he propose
197. did he give an engagement ring
198. was I present when he purchased the ring
199. when and where did we get married
200. who attended the wedding and how many
201. what did we do after, did we go on a honeymoon
202. the amount of our old and current rent
203. What is the landlord name
204. how many bedrooms
205. how long were we at our current address
206. does anyone live with us
207. where does our parents live
208. Do we have children
209. do we plan to have any together
210. do I work and or go to school
211. where does my husband work
212. what is his schedule like
213. how do I contact him when he’s at work
214. do we have cellphones
215. what’s the number (both)
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All the best! With these folk at USCIS, there is sometimes no method to the madness. Just prepare as thoroughly as you can.