Comprehensive Immigration Bill Introduced Today by Democrats

For a moment, I thought it was a joke. However, the web-site indeed reports what's stated by OP. Correct URL is:

Click at "Breaking News".


01/04/2007: Comprehensive Immigration Bill Introduced Today by Democrats

* Report indicates that the new Senate Majority Leader proposed and introduced the Comprehensive Immigration bill in the Senate today. The details have yet to be released. Please stay tuned to this web site.
Nothing different here, as this is only a Senate bill. The Senate always had a plan for reform that was not enforcement-only. It's the House that has to be convinced. But maybe something will change now that the Dems have the majority of the House and the election is gone so they don't have to do the "tough on immigration" games to try to get votes for now.
Also from AILA's website:

AILA appreciates the urgency with which the Senate is moving on immigration reform, namely by placing immigration on its list of high priority legislation. In this press release, AILA applauds the early bipartisan effort made the Senate and urges the new Congress to follow through with real comprehensive immigration reform in this first session. AILA Doc. No. 07010560.
Hi Friends,

After a break of one year, I am back to this forum. I hope this time CIR will not struck in politics.
this is good news atleast, maybe something good will happen soon. by the way is everything the same as last year, or have things in it changed a bit?