complete lastname


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I will be applying my 140/485 concurrently soon.
My Engineering degree from India doesn't says my Last name completely.
It says First letter of my last name then first name (L.Firstname).
But my lawyer is asking me a letter(which should say my complete last name) from the University about this to avoid any future queries.
Is USCIS issues a query regarding this as i think lot of folks from Indian universities would have this problem.
Please share your experiences who has a similar problem.

This is most wired thing i ever heard .. if your lawyer is correct.. i will be in trouble...

however i don't think that is the case.
Your lawyer is going by rule. You should get a declaration signed, but meanwhile ask your lawyer to proceed with filing.

One guy I know got his degree from Pune University, where they put father's name as middle name(as everywhere else in that state.), he got a declaration signed. He has not been asked for it till now, but just in case...