Complainit aganist the Company for Outsourcing.


Registered Users (C)
Is there any law which we can use aganist the company for outsourcing the jobs to Third World Countries?

What are you trying to say exactly with that article, manjit? If you are trying to say those people will be working on the jobs that are outsourced to India, you are wrong. These are private companies we are talking about here and they won't employ some low IQ person who doesn't even deserve a degree.
I would like to know where are you from. Your nick sounds Indian though.
Also did you come here jumping out of the ship as a H1B or did you come here to study or any other methods. I would appreciate your response.

Originally posted by manjit
Is there any law which we can use aganist the company for outsourcing the jobs to Third World Countries?

Does not matter from where is manjit.
Outsourcing is wrong for IT people working in US.
End of story.
manjit, i pity you because nobody (no government ) can do anything to stop outsourcing. If India challenges the sort of bills introduced in NJ and other states), then those bills will have to be withdrawn. There is only one escape : withdraw from WTO. Do you think USA, the brainchild behind WTO will do that ???

I think you are refering INDIA as Third world country and you are also from the that third world country at some point for sure unless you born in canada and came here to work.

If 1st world county is outsourcing jobs to 3rd world world county then i would say you also move to third world country and try in 3rd world country not to accept any outsourcing from 1st world county. you have good chances there then here beacsue no one can stop outsourcing here.
Good Luck.
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Manjit - you should go on a strike to protest the outsourcing of your job. When they fire your lazy insecure incompetent ass, I will hire you for a minimum wage job in my Nike factory in Manila :D :D :D

Originally posted by manjit
Is there any law which we can use aganist the company for outsourcing the jobs to Third World Countries?

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It's a double edged sword !!! Period

Outsourcing is what got you here and it might also someday kick you out.. So my advise would be to remain totally neutral towards Outsourcing.
USA is a capitalist country, US companies WILL look for cheaper labor, thats why they hired so many people from third world countries, they accept whatever they are offered, they are happy just to get the visa.

And Outsourcing is good for third world countries, it pours money into their economy.
Manjit's concern is genuine. Folks who are laid off will understand. It does not matter what a person's IQ etc. is. It is the salary savings that companies are looking for. I know a brilliant guy with 15 years experience, designed many systems in one company, got laid off. His moronic staff are still with contracts with the company.

An American company will do anything to shore up their ass. We should all hope that the economy picks up and more jobs are generated here and in 3rd world countries.