company closed - is it a problem for GC?


Registered Users (C)

My GC sponsoring company closed permanently. I was talking to
some companies. They have some strong questions on what
will happen to my GC process. Their interpretation
of 180 days rule is only applicable for the people whose GC
sponsoring company is in business but you have changed job
either due to your GC sponsoring company laid off or you decided
to change the job.

My question is such interpretation is right or wrong?

Thanks in advance
when 180 days are gone you can change job regardless
of status of your previous company. So find another company and don't tell them about your old company, it's not their bussines.
Do you have an EAD.. The new company should be only concerned about that.. If the new employer says that he cannot give you the job because of the fact that the EAD will expire within "x" months, he can be sued for it.... The law clearly states that one cannot be discriminated because of a future expiry of an EAD..... One should be legally permitted to work at the time the job is offered and the emplyer can terminate you if you fail to extend your EAD when it comes up for renewal....

My 2 cents...