Company Check at Chennai Consulate and POE - Please help interview on Dec 18th


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Q1. Will they do any company check at POE, what if company may file for Chapter 7 and winding up in Feb? Our cmpany is now in Chapter 11 and going to Chpter 7 soon, have interview on Dec 18th. Will there be any problems at POE if I have successfully completed CP interview?

Q2. Also will they do any check at the consulate for company status? I have Notarized offer letter. I have till now may lose before interview also. Requested for keeping me in Payroll till dec 25th (not sure whether they will consider)
my 2 cents

1) No, company is not cross checked at time of POE.
2) In most cases, No, at the consulate.
But, 1) This is material concealment (fraud in plain words) and 2) If the company\'s name is publicized (like Enron), it is a big RED flag.
No Title

Not legal advise:
Unlikely that they\'ll check company status at interview.
Once you successfuly completed CP interview, POE is just rubber stamp.

If you were officially told that your company is going under or were notified officially about your pending termination then (in eyes of INS) you are committing fraud.
If you can say no to both conditions above but you know of rumors or hallway talk about Ch. 7 or layoffs, you probably can legaly retain your PR status.

Fact that you asked to be on payroll until Dec 25th can be used against you.
Re: Abu_lafya

I don\'t understand. Just because the company is filing for bankruptcy doesn\'t mean you are going to lose your current job or your future job. Bankruptcy is a procedure that companies take to get their financial health in order and get debt off their balance sheets. Not all of them close shop. In fact most of them get bought out. In this case, I don\'t know the company being spoken about but just because your company is in bankruptcy should have no impact. If you were notifited of a layoff then thats a different story of course.