Company acquisition


Registered Users (C)
My company got acquired by another in Jan-03 but nothing has changed in regards to my job position , same location / title and doing the same things specified in LC/I-140.

Also , I am still getting paid under the old company but the payroll system is going to be merged with the new company this coming Jan and most probably will have the new comp name on the pay stubs.

Am I OK here or do I need file AC21 ?

Thanks and please advice ... I searched this forum but couldn't ( may have missed ) find a similar case as mine.

I-140 Approved 3/02
I-485 RD 7/02 and pending since.
you are fine

according to what you have explained. my brother went through the same thing when his company was aquired. he just got a RFE to clarify the name of the company and was approved.
Thanks ag28.

One more quesiton ... can you please find out at what stage of the process did the merger occur and was the RFE specifically for the name clarification ? Also , is this RFE in response to the previous RFE which was replied under new company , hence name clarification?

Thanks and please help me here.