Commuter green card status for Canadian PR


New Member
Hi All,

I wanted to put a post out here on the forum to see if there would be someone who is in a similar situation. I am an American citizen and my wife is British. We both reside here in Canada, but will most likely be moving to a border town that would put us within commutable distance to a large U.S. city.

My wife was a former U.S. green card holder up until last year and had it taken it off of her since we took up residence here in Canada about two years ago. My questions are as follows:

1. Can a Canadian PR holder obtain a "commuter green card" to be able to go into the U.S. for the purposes of work / employment?

2. As her spouse and a U.S. citizen, is there anything I can do to help her obtain a commuter green card? Yes, I understand that I can petition for her green card back, but that may involve moving back / residing on the U.S. side and she is about 1 year away from Canadian citizenship. Can I still petition for a green card for her, but with commuter status only?

3. If the answer is yes to a commuter green card, how does one go about doing this?

We moved here for the quality of life, unfortunately we weren't aware of the lack of professional opportunities available here in Canada (well, from an American's perspective, they seem to be missing). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
