COBRA Questions - Experts please help!


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Hi all,


I have couple of questions for experts in this field.

The situation goes like this...

If a person working for a Company covered under current company\'s Insurance was terminated and trying to get the coverage under "COBRA"...

1). Is COBRA Coverage AVAILABLE Immediately from the DATE of Termination?
2). Is there an application to be made for this COBRA Coverage?
3). Is company\'s termination letter needed to apply for this COBRA Coverage?
4). Is there any GAP in INSURANCE COVERAGE Continuation "In-Between" the DATE of Termination and start of \'COBRA\' Availability?
5). Is there any Web-site and Phone number where we can find/call about COBRA?

Please POST Your Experience!

Anybody who is giving us useful information is thanked for in advance.

Thanks and have a great day.

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1). Is COBRA Coverage AVAILABLE Immediately from the DATE of Termination?
2). Is there an application to be made for this COBRA Coverage?
Yes, company should provide all information and application form to the insurance company
3). Is company\'s termination letter needed to apply for this COBRA Coverage?
The company will provide a letter.
4). Is there any GAP in INSURANCE COVERAGE Continuation "In-Between" the DATE of Termination and start of \'COBRA\' Availability?
Do not need gap insurance. continous converage

5). Is there any Web-site and Phone number where we can find/call about COBRA?
Need tried, pretty sure if you use search engine, you can find plenty of information