CNN Paula Zahn Presents FBI Name Check Today!

Hundreds of Muslim immigrants say the FBI put their citizenship applications on hold. A backlog or discrimination? Paula brings it out in the open. Tune in Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.

I hope to see some FBI & USCIS officials there.
I saw this CNN special on TV a few days ago. It is certainly good that someone at CNN is dawing attention to the problems with the Name-Check system (especially given all the rabid ignorant anti-immigrant retoric coming from other CNN ancors such as Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck). However, I don't think that discrimination is the main problem with the Name-Check system.

A much more insightful and informative analysis is given in the USCIS Ombudsman's annual report:

Among other things, he explains that the Name-Check system is neither mandated nor designed by FBI. Rather it is a service-for-fee designed by USCIS and provided by the FBI to USCIS at the USCIS' request. So USCIS could change the procedure if they want to. One of the main problems causing delays is that if there is some sort of a name check hit in various FBI databases associated with some name, then someone at the FBI has to manually review all the relevant records, make a decision if those hits are indeed related to the individual in question and then produce a report. This takes a lot of time and resources from the FBI, and is not very high on their list of priorities. Also, apparently up to now USCIS has not been good about keeping track and transmitting to the relevant offices the information about a particular name check being completed. This results in further delays and sometimes in expiration of the validity of the check, so that a new one has to be ordered.

As the Ombudsman writes, the entire system is in many ways irrational and counterproductive. Thus, people with green cards already have the right to stay and work in this country indefinitely. So having a GC holder wait for a Name Check for years does not really improve security...