claiming unemployment

arun mehta02

Registered Users (C)
I got my green card in sept 04.

My wife got laid off from her job. Will her claiming unemployment create issues for us during citizenship or at any point in future?

If I am laid off (could probably happen), will my claiming unemployment create issues for us during citizenship or at any point in future?

We are in California.


arun mehta02 said:
I got my green card in sept 04.

My wife got laid off from her job. Will her claiming unemployment create issues for us during citizenship or at any point in future?

If I am laid off (could probably happen), will my claiming unemployment create issues for us during citizenship or at any point in future?

We are in California.



No problem. UI benefits are from your own insurance
whose premioum your ex-employer paid out of
the money you created. It is not in the scope of public
AmericanWannabe said:
No problem. UI benefits are from your own insurance
whose premioum your ex-employer paid out of
the money you created. It is not in the scope of public

What if you never had a job in this country, but you got GC through
your spouse. Can you claim UI benefits ?

justchecking said:
What if you never had a job in this country, but you got GC through
your spouse. Can you claim UI benefits ?


No. You need to work for certain number of months
to get such benefits. Your employer pay
the premium. Self-employess pay themselves.
If you never work then you never pay the premiun