Citizneship Interview Tomorrow


Registered Users (C)
Hello all!

I have my interview tomorrow. It is not a marriage based petition.

Here is what I'm bringing with me.

1. Passport
2. Green Card
3. Selective Service Card
4. Paperwork to verify that my speeding tickets have been taken care of

Should I bring anything else? Tax Returns maybe?

Anything special I should be prepared for (besides the 100 questions)?

Thanks for your help!

I don't remember exact dates but it's something like this

Application Submited :2/9/05
Priority Date : 2/14/05
NOA Letter Recieved : 2/22/05

Fingerprint Letter : 5/26/05
Fingerprinting : 6/24/05

Interview Letter : 7/6/05
Interview : 8/7/05

Again, don't remember exact days but those are within a couple of days of the actual event.

District Office - St. Louis
How Did It go???

Hi there RealSuperk

How did your interview go? What other questions besides the regular 100 questions were u asked and what other documents was requested from you. Please post your interview experience for the rest of us so we can have a general idea what to expect. Hope everything worked out for u :) :) .

VIDASH said:
Hi there RealSuperk

How did your interview go? What other questions besides the regular 100 questions were u asked and what other documents was requested from you. Please post your interview experience for the rest of us so we can have a general idea what to expect. Hope everything worked out for u :) :) .


It went alright. The interviewer wasn't too friendly... or not friendly at all. No small talk, not even an attempt at a conversation beyond the scope of the interview. Just went from one thing to another. Didn't even tell me something along the lines of "Now I'm gonna give you the civics test". Just all the sudden went "What is Congress?" Took me a second to realize where that came from.

Anyway, I guess everything went by the book. Asked for my passport, my green card, any evidence of SS. Then went through the application, made some marks on the application. I mentioned that I went out of the country for 5 days back in March. Also, I gave her all the evidence about my speeding tickets (I didn't list them when I filed back in February). She asked whether I've filed taxes. I don't know if that would make a difference, but I had my tax returns with me, just in case. I told her that I have them with me and she went through the last 3 years. Not sure what she was looking for, probably just verified the name of the company I work for. Asked me if I owe any taxes which of course I don't. Anyway, I guess it's better to have that stuff with you, just in case. In fact I had all my INS paperwork with me - from OPT to H1B to green card.

After she went through the application, she asked me to read the oath and asked me to explain what it means. Then asked me to read a sentence and write a sentence. Then, as I mentioned before, without any warning she went into the civics test. Don't remember everything she asked but she did ask

What is Congress?
Who is the president of the US?
How many stripes are on the flag?
Who was the president during the civil war?

I'm sure she asked more questions, I just don't remember.

After that she gave a piece of paper that said that I passed the test but the name check isn't complete so they can't make a final decision. I'm bracing myself for a long name check, just in case.


P.S. I guess the only thing that I might have screwed up... I marked on the application that I've never been a member of a communist party or any affiliated organization. Well, I'm Russian and back in the day, at the age of 6, they'd put us into an organization that was under the blanket of the Communist party but really was more or less a Russian version of boy scouts. I was there between ages 6 and 13. Since I've heard that they don't care about anything before age 16, I marked it no. She changed my answer to yes and made the note of the whole thing. I hope they don't think I tried to hide something just like I hope they realize that it's not like I could stand up at the age of 6 and say "Hell no, I prefer a democratic society, take this communist crap and shove it up your.... !"
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i am thinking in nowadays, people get interview notice quicker than what it used to be. i wonder if USCIS keeps scheduling more interview and get us off from their back, then put the ball back on FBI for the name check?
ocworker said:
i am thinking in nowadays, people get interview notice quicker than what it used to be. i wonder if USCIS keeps scheduling more interview and get us off from their back, then put the ball back on FBI for the name check?

Could be... when I took my fingerprints I was told to wait 2-3 months for an interview letter. I got it a week and a half later. Although, I don't think it matters when you go through the interview. If you gotta do it, you gotta do it.

I know a guy from the St. Louis office who has been waiting for 6 months since his interview. I hope I won't have the same fate.

RealSuperK said:
Could be... when I took my fingerprints I was told to wait 2-3 months for an interview letter. I got it a week and a half later. Although, I don't think it matters when you go through the interview. If you gotta do it, you gotta do it.

I know a guy from the St. Louis office who has been waiting for 6 months since his interview. I hope I won't have the same fate.


good luck to both of us. My name check is pending.