Citizenship Timeline Procedure


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I've heard that you can send your application to apply for citizenship after 4 years 1 day just to be in line and save some time and then take all exams, etc when it is 5 year time. Is this really exist?

Could you please clarify me on this issue.

Thank you!
Not true. If you send in your application before the 5 years (minus 90 days) are up, it will be returned to you.

There is a 4 year + 1 day rule, but it has to do with the residence and presence rules, not with the base 5 years (or 3 years through marriage) rule.

Everything is explained in the Guide to Naturalization
4yr+1day only applies if you have broken continuous residence by an absence of more than 1 year (presumably with a reentry permit). There is no shortcut to residency, other than marrying a USC or serving in the active military.