Citizenship Interview


New Member
My wife and I have our interviews scheduled at Newark, NJ in a couple of weeks and have a couple of questions related to it:

a. We have a 2 year old daughter, can we take her along to the interview
b. Our interview is scheduled at 1:00 PM, by what time should we plan on being at the office.

Thanks very much for your help,

Don't know about (a), but on my interview letter it recommended getting to the interview office no more than 30 minutes in advance of your appointment time. Personally I'm going to shoot for about 30 minutes in advance, but I've got a 3 hour drive to the office, and don't want to be late!


Simal said:
My wife and I have our interviews scheduled at Newark, NJ in a couple of weeks and have a couple of questions related to it:

a. We have a 2 year old daughter, can we take her along to the interview
b. Our interview is scheduled at 1:00 PM, by what time should we plan on being at the office.

Thanks very much for your help,

Your Choice

Simal, we will also have our interview in a few weeks and we will leave our (5 and 2 yr old) kids with friends. We don't have a long travel to the interview, that me be different for you. Generally speaking you are better off, more focused and more flexable if you come alone. Plus the DOS won't have any toys or so like a doctor office. So if you happen to have ot wait a little longer it may be dreadful for you child. If you have no alternative though I think you should bring your child and make the best of it. Good Luck.

We also have our interview at Newark in few weeks (2/21) and our time is also 1PM. We are planning to leave our 2 year old with friends.

Since Newark does same day oath and your interview time is 1PM, I don't think you will be able to go back to work that day. Some folks said that their interview time was 1PM (or 1:30PM) and the interview was done around 4PM and oath around 5:30PM.

Newark has oath at 1:30PM and another one at the end of the day, not sure if they have another oath ceremony in the middle.

My first interview was nov, 2001 and my second interview for US citizenship was oct 12, 2005 and still i did not getit other one...
what can I do?
please replay me also with the following E-mail address

thank you
mbarkhadle1 said:
My first interview was nov, 2001 and my second interview for US citizenship was oct 12, 2005 and still i did not getit other one...
what can I do?
please replay me also with the following E-mail address

thank you

what? you had 2 interviews and they are around 4 yrs apart? what were you thinking in past 4 yrs and let them sit on your case?

anyhow, what was the result of your 2nd interview? did you pass the history / english test? were you recommended for naturalization?

gosh.. you sure have lot of patience.