Citizenship Interview - Driver's license question - Please help


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

I got my Citizenship interview letter. It is on 04/17/2007 at Santa Ana DO.

I have a question regarding my Driver's license. It still shows my old address. I moved 2 times after that but within the same Orange County. Never bothered to change the address on my driver's license.

Will it create a problem at the time of interview?

I just called the DMV to see what can be done to change the address on my Driver's license. They said the address can be changed online or by mail. And they take 3 days to update the DMV records. How ever we will not automatically receive a new Driver's license for just changing the address online/mail. We have to visit the DMV and request for a DUPLICATE driver's license with new address by paying $21. And it may take 30 days to receive the duplicate license.

Is this all necessary? Is anyone in a similar situation with old address on their Driver's license. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

My Timeline:
N-400 mailed: 12/12/2006
FP Date: 01/03/2007
IL Recd: 02/24/2007
IL Date: 04/17/2007
Not sure about there, but here when you get a change of address, you just get a sticker to place on the back of the licence and that will have your current address...
I updated my Driver's License just 10 days before my interview to reflect the new address. IO did not ask me anything regarding the date on the drivers license and everthing went smoothly.

One thing to note is that my license was already updated to reflect current address in the system. This might have happened possibly because when I paid my registration fees for car (we pay nominal fee every year) I submitted my latest address.

My DO is Chicago, IL

Hi Guys,

I got my Citizenship interview letter. It is on 04/17/2007 at Santa Ana DO.

I have a question regarding my Driver's license. It still shows my old address. I moved 2 times after that but within the same Orange County. Never bothered to change the address on my driver's license.

Will it create a problem at the time of interview?

I just called the DMV to see what can be done to change the address on my Driver's license. They said the address can be changed online or by mail. And they take 3 days to update the DMV records. How ever we will not automatically receive a new Driver's license for just changing the address online/mail. We have to visit the DMV and request for a DUPLICATE driver's license with new address by paying $21. And it may take 30 days to receive the duplicate license.

Is this all necessary? Is anyone in a similar situation with old address on their Driver's license. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

My Timeline:
N-400 mailed: 12/12/2006
FP Date: 01/03/2007
IL Recd: 02/24/2007
IL Date: 04/17/2007
When I changed addresses, I simply wrote the new address on the back of my driver's license and informed DMV of this change. I didn't get a duplicate license with the new address printed on it.

Never had a problem during Interview and IO didn't say anything.

I don't believe you will have a problem at the time of your interview, since it is perfectly reasonable to move within the state of California. However, you should immediately inform DMV of the change and then write your new address on the back of your existing California license. There is space on the back of the license where it says "address change" so you can just write your updated information in there. Again, this is a perfectly acceptable thing to do as long as you inform DMV of the change. IO will have no reason to believe that you didn't change it earlier. Incidentally, if you don't inform DMV within a few days after moving, you are in violation of California State Law. However, what's done is done, and all you can do is change it now and learn for next time.

My last comment would be to make sure you fill out the USCIS change of address form and mail it in to them. Keep a copy to prove you sent it. If anything, I would expect that this would be what the IO might be more inclined to ask for since it is a federal requirement.
IO will for SURE try to match your driver's liscence address with addressed filed with USCIS and on your application. They do that for number of reasons.

Not having an updated driver's licence is far from being a huge impediment on your application, but you should be prepared to answer questions about it.

IO can ask about Change of Address filings with USCIS, too. So, be prepared to explain that, too. Of course, IO officer questions depend on your particular case.....Majority of ppl are never asked this. update DMV and execute address change as you were instructed by many forum members. You made a mistakes in the still have some time to correct them.

P.S.: I'm not a lawyer or an immigration expert. I'm just an ordinary guy. You are soley responsible for your actions.
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Bring other proofs of your current residence (phone, utility, etc bills, whatever).

It's best if there are no weird things to trigger questions. If you do have weirdness, try to predict the questions the IO will ask and bring documentation to get him/her to go "oh, ok, let's keep going"
my case was even more complex I moved my family to texas last year
and my wife and I interviewed in texas, but I kept my cali license because
of my job/project in California, I have a temp residence and car in cali,
the IO officer in texas enquired about this, after I told her the truth
she was okay.
The DL is basically to confirm residence in that DO limit. Take it as proof of identity but also carry gas/garbage/phone bills as proof of address.
Hi All,
Thanks for all your kind and valuable suggestions. Good luck with your cases.