Citizenship --- Form N400


New Member

I received my Green card on 07/04/2001 .. So now april 12 2006 ( which is 90 days before) I am eligible for applying for citizenship .

Before I file for citizenship I have an issue like to discuss & wanted some suggestion ...

In September- December 1998 ...... I do not remember the exact date .... This happened in pittsburgh PA.... I happened to be caught for shop lifting( this happened unknowingly -- I was stopped by store security officer for not paying for one of the item) ..I mentioned that I will pay for the item .. But he did not listen & called the police ... Police came .. I explained everything to police ...There was no arrest ...As this was my first offense I attended a first time offense good moral class from ASI retial theft program to remove my records from local court ...& also paid separate money so the records to be removed (expunged)....I do have receipts for this ...

I wanted to know what should I answer on form N400 Part 10 D. Good moral Character
Question 15 : Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were no arrested ?
If I say yes to this question then they ask about these questions I really don't know what to answer

Why were you arrested, cited,detained or charged?
Date arrested, cited,detained or charged?(mm/dd/yyyy)
Where were you arrested,cited, detained or charged?(City, State, Country)
Outcome or disposition of thearrest, citation, detention or charge(No charges filed, chargesdismissed, jail, probation, etc.)

Also do you suggest to attach a seperate sheet explaining about the situation

Shall I say No & expalin the situation to Immigration officer

Also If they deny my application did it will affect my current green card will they will take away that...

Any suggestion

My dear friend , you should mention it on your application and if possible attach as much documents as u can , ie. Certificate from that school that u went too ... everythin u have related to that case
and if i were u i would not worry as much about it as it was way before you got your greencard and you're a good person now :)
Good luck and stay positive
Also write a short statement describing what happend and if possible how much was worth the item that you forgot to pay ... lets just hope that it wasnt something $$$$
peace my friend and your a step closer to the journey :D
Thanks for replying So you are saying to attch a sheet of paper explaining about what happened ... The item was less than $50 .. I think it was a conferter kept down in the cart which they forgot to scan ...

So shall I go ahead & mention approx dates on the questions below & say see atttachment in the end via attaching a sheet expalining what happened

Why were you arrested, cited,detained or charged?
Date arrested, cited,detained or charged?(mm/dd/yyyy)
Where were you arrested,cited, detained or charged?(City, State, Country)
Outcome or disposition of thearrest, citation, detention or charge(No charges filed, chargesdismissed, jail, probation, etc.)

Please do provide suggestion

My friend , provide everything that needs to be provided , so it makes your case better :)
It is my understanding that if it didnt happend in the last 5 years you should be okay , unless you killed someone long time ago or sold a lot of marijuana and got caught ;-)
good luck anyways , you'll be okay
don's say anything

I had a friend in your same situation and he nevered mention it because it was expunged, they will not find out if it was expunged, if they do just say you forgot.
That is a stupid advice. You have to swear under oath that your declarations are true. USCIS can reject the application for moral turpitude.

It can come back to haunt any time in life and a citizenship gained on fraudulent information can be withdrawn.

tony28270 said:
I had a friend in your same situation and he nevered mention it because it was expunged, they will not find out if it was expunged, if they do just say you forgot.