Citizenship, FBI background delay, there is a hope - Bill # S.795


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I was searching citizenship/FBI background check and came acrross a new bill in congree. It's # S.795 and sponsored by Barack Obama. There are 4 democrats and one independent currently sponsering this bill. It reads:

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to revise provisions respecting: (1) immigration service fees; and (2) naturalization testing.

Prohibits an applicant or petitioner for U.S. permanent residence or citizenship from being required to use an electronic method to file any application to, or access a customer account.

Requires: (1) a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study and report on naturalization background checks; and (2) the Attorney General to make reasonable efforts to complete background checks of applicants for temporary or permanent residence or citizenship within 90 days.

Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a national citizenship promotion program to assist lawful permanent resident aliens become citizens.
-[Read more details about this bill]-------------------------------------

The Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR, it's based on Washington D.C.; urges everyone with this problem to contact his/her rep and voice concerns. Here is the lin:

Spread the word. Thx.
