I being denied with my citizenship, because they said I lied in the interview if I was arrested. I had a situation 4 years ago, with a bad check. NOW, I understand that I was arrested, but to my eyes I never was behind bars, I went to paid a fee, but I never thought I was arrested, because I never see myself behind bars,ok. Well when I filled out the N400 form, I marked NO under that questions, in my interview, the person asked me twice if I was arrested again I said NO, the the fingerprints show tha I was arrested, so they aske me question about it!!! the only thing that I remember that I was in schock extremely nervuos, fortunaly I had some related papers, that always kept together with all my important documents, and I show those to him, he just make a copy of it and told me that I will receive a respond by mail. Now, of course the denied my application. Now my question is do I have to file the N366 requesting the hearing?? Do I have to explain them myself it was a confusion in my side, or I be better safe hiring a Lawyer, the thing is I do not have money to do so, and I do not want to pay a lawyer if they still are going to denied. What should I do? Need help ASAP.