mr unknown
New Member
So my citizenship was denied for failure to show good moral character. they said my child support arrears shows that I willfully neglected or I didn't provide evidence showing why my arrears was that amount.At my citizenship interview I provided documents showing I am on child support for my daughter from my ex and my wife divorced in 2019 feb she file for child support in November. the judge order me to pay a temporary support every month which I did. I had my citizenship interview on 05/27/2021.the judge made her decision for her final order of support on 05/07/21 I received the decision around 05/15/2021 in the mail. so the final order of support was change from monthly to weekly with a retro active support that brought about my arrears before that I was not in arrears n child support had owe me for over payments. but they saw the final order n the arrears and assume that I wasn't paying my obligation so base on that they denied me for negligence or failure to support my dependent n show good moral character. while at my interview I tried to explained this to the IO but she was reluctant to hear what I was saying. I filed an n336 to see if they would reverse there decision with evidence which I didn't had n provided at my interview. showing the Temporary order of support the effective date a print out of all my payment from the time of the Temporary order to the final order to show I never missed a payment and paid extra.Also proof of the final order and when it came in effect the retro active payment decision and the time period when it began showing that I got in arrears a week before my interview due to the final order of payment being change which was an increase and not just an increase it went from monthly to weekly and on top of that they did an retroactive payment so all this brought about my child support arrears a week before my interview I was like just my luck but I didn't thought I would of been denied cause I honor my obligations never missed a payment n was owe guess I was wrong . any advice beside just having patience n praying thing change in my favor from this hearing